“Almost Home”…

SCRIPTURE: “But whatever happens… I WILL RUN.” (2 Samuel 18:23) 

OBSERVATION: Ahimaaz, son of Zadok, was a Frontlines Messenger commissioned to bring good news to the King. But this was not that day. The King’s son was dead. Absolam had been impaled by not one but three spears through the heart, while hanging from a tree.

How, you may ask? A turn of events sent this rebellious son and so-called leader into the thicket of the great oaks by his spooked mule that kept on running from fear of David’s soldiers in pursuit. The arms of the great oak trees violently ripped Absolam from the saddle hanging by his hair, helpless… You can’t make this stuff up?! It’s almost like Treebeard from Fangorn Forest leading the Last March of The Ents in the LOTR… Hehe, well maybe not 😉

Back in the General’s Tent, stood two young men. The Cushite received his marching orders to bring King David the bitter news. Victory was his, but at the cost of his son’s life.  As the Cushite ran out of the tent to complete his mission, there remained another standing at attention. Ahimaaz stood by as an unqualified messenger. You see, his job was to run with Good News. This was not his race to run. Yet his request broke the silence in an unconventional way:

Then Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said, “Please let me run and bring the king news that the Lord has freed him from the hand of his enemies.” 20 But Joab said to him, “You are not the man to carry news this day, but you shall carry news another day; however, you shall carry no news today because the king’s son is dead.” 21 Then Joab said to the Cushite, “Go, tell the king what you have seen.” So the Cushite bowed to Joab and ran. 22 Now Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said once more to Joab, “But whatever happens, please let me also run after the Cushite.” And Joab said, “Why would you run, my son, since you will have no reward for going?” 23 “But whatever happens,” he said, “I will run.” So he said to him, “Run.” Then Ahimaaz ran by way of the plain and passed up the Cushite.

APPLICATION: “But whatever happens… I will run.”

I’ve been thinking about this principle of being a Frontlines Messenger for decades.  I’ve journaled multiple times about Ahimaaz’ story. Recently, the movie 1917 was an epic adventure that put my imagination of Trench Warfare and these Runners on the screen.  If you haven’t seen it. Go watch it… Today!

Every Christian has a calling this side of heaven that will carry over throughout eternity. Hearts carry the life saving message of Jesus Christ into their spheres of influence. The Good News travels with us, even to the most remote corners of the world. Over the years and even recently, I’ve been inspired by meeting men and women who share their faithfulness following Jesus in their Family, Business, Studies, Marriage, Ministry, Missionary adventures and more…

So for me, this morning… I suppose I’m reminded of the “Why” behind the running.  Ahimaaz respected those in authority by asking for permission to run. When he was told no, that it wasn’t in his job description, Ahimaaz declared that he was going to run the race no matter what.

It was his heart’s cry and passion that fueled his desire to run with all his might to be beside his King when the Cushite brought the bitter news from the frontlines. I want to be that man. How about you? Does your heart beat a bit faster at the thought of giving it all you have for the ones you love? I’ve been there.

But what happens when you’ve been on the frontlines far too long? Some give up. Some are casualties of war. Some are prisoners of war. Others are the rare few that travel through all of those life chapters and more… and yet, Never Give Up.

They somehow got back up again and again and again… & are still running the race?! This is a glimpse into my story. I am Eric Richard Robison, a Bible Communicator & Bridge Builder.  A Gentle General in the Kingdom.

Scars and all… I’m still running my race. Doesn’t make sense. Unconventional at best. Misunderstood by most. Yet, now more than ever, I have a conviction and passion to run the race for an audience of one.  I run with and follow Jesus.

“Off the Map” was a phrase I titled this blog to journal my journeys with Jesus years ago. After nearly 7 years into this adventure, I’m more confident now than ever that I’m on the right path and pace.  It may not look nor feel like it at times. That’s ok. Good stories have protagonists, antagonists, conflict, betrayal, victory and a message that withstands time.

In order to have such a song and a story… I’ve chosen to never give up.  I’ve chosen to count the cost. I’ve chosen to give my life time and time and time again for legacy sake. My heart cry over the years on this platform to Jesus is simply “Make it Count”….

In other words, “But Whatever Happens… I Will Run.”

I have a Song & a Story… So Do You!

I cracked my Bible open the other night on my nightstand when I couldn’t sleep and read the words of King David that pretty much sums it up:

“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
  They will put their trust in the Lord.” (Psalm 40:1-3)

All of us are Wayfaring Strangers in this land. However, don’t for a moment believe the journey is for not! Our lives this side of heaven, if placed in the hands of Jesus, will have eternal impact. Lives depend on it.

Did you hear it too?… That kick to the side followed by a voice overhead waking me out of my slumber, “Robison… Pick a Man. Bring Your Kit.” Now we both stand at attention in the General’s Tent. I’ve been on the Frontlines… I know what awaits us… and yet my heart cry remains, “Whatever Happens… I Will Run.

Are you with me?


“You Found Me…”

SCRIPTURE: If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

OBSERVATION:  Jeremiah lived in a time of captivity.  Babylon sieged countries as corporations consume businesses in the west, except with bodies in the wake of their path of destruction.  Relentless and without mercy.  The headlines from the so-called Prophets were peace and prosperity.  Then God showed up to Jeremiah with an entirely different message.  God spoke truth with a clarion call that shook all hopes of comfort and control. Jeremiah was chosen to be a messenger for his people because of his resolve.  This man valued Heaven’s perspective more than anything.  He wasn’t afraid to stand alone and speak from the core of his character, which was built on honesty, truth and following God no matter the cost.

APPLICATION:  I’ve recently been given the opportunity to be real, honest, vulnerable… which doesn’t come easy for me these days.  Yet, surprisingly… I find myself opening up and sharing my story.  What is more surprising to me is the reciprocity received.  I’m not used to that. In fact, I’ve grown accustom to the very opposite.  And almost accepted this as the new norm…  It’s nice to have false paradigms shattered once in a while.  Grateful.

Over the course of the past month, new trailers for the upcoming movie “Unbroken2” have caught my attention.  This is the second half of Louis Zamperini’s life story. The first movie, “Unbroken“, retold the unforgettable account of Louis’ life story as an Olympic runner and a surviver of WWII prison camps.  He is one of my Heroes of Faith and I’ve learned much from this man.  If you haven’t read the book, Unbroken, I highly recommend it!

However, this new movie brings to light the very real struggles of coming out of warfare. The pain, anger, questions and eventually, quitting points.  Louis shut it down. All of it. Locked it away deep in the chambers of his heart and determined to simply forget it. Over the years, this unseen low-grade fever finally grew into an all out assault on his life and legacy.  Despite Louis’ stubbornness, this unchecked infection of unforgiveness is what finally brought this war hero to his knees.

…And in a moment, he was set set free.  Heaven did in minutes, what Louis could not do in years.

He found the person of Jesus Christ.  Louis knew about Jesus his entire life, but did not open his heart to Jesus.  In that Tent of Healing, he was found.  Jesus changed his life forever.  So much so, that Louis’ life message would be of Forgiveness, sending him on a path back to the very origin of his pain.  Japan’s Prison Camps and his Captors. He purposed in his heart to Face them… and Forgive them.  Louis brought the Gospel to those who once tormented his soul…  Only Heaven can change a man on that level.  God has, is and will receive glory for Louis’ life of simple faith and obedience based on forgiveness.  Like I said, Hero status.  He’s the real deal…


My journey pales in comparison to Louis’ or any of the men/women who have gone before us and helped secure the peace of our great nation. Especially those from the Greatest Generation who fought in WWII.  However, it is the tested truths of God’s word that parallels just the same.

I’m sure you have your own story.  Regardless of how far we have journeyed away from Jesus, He never leaves our side.  He’s simply waiting for the opportunity when our free will collides with our faith.  At this fulcrum moment, Jesus is quick to listen and speaks life over His sons and Daughters.

I’ve had my moments of life change.  There are more on the horizon.  How about you?  Do you sense Jesus bringing you to a place of breakthrough?  If so, I encourage you to be real.  Open your heart to Jesus and find out what Heaven speaks over your life and legacy.  Jesus wants to be found.  He found Louis.  He found me.  He will find you.

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for men and women in the Bible who lived lives of simple faith even in the face of opposition and insurmountable odds.  And thank you for the Louis Zamperini’s of the 21st Century who model the very same walk of faith.  In Louis’ case, he embodied running the race.  His words echo within my heart today, “I’d made it this far and refused to give up because all my life I had always finished the race.” Louis finished his race and is in heaven now.  Legacy is his.  Thank you for my journey, Jesus.  Like Louis, You found me.  Grateful.

“Ain’t No Grave”…

SCRIPTURE: And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)


OBSERVATION:  Paul the Apostle had an entire book within himself purposed for the hearts of the Roman people.  It was and is a book on Authority, Grace, Mercy and most of all who the person of Jesus is, was and will always be.

However, these letters were not given to Paul to simply inform.  Heaven breathed life into these words to inspire hearts to invite the King of Kings, Jesus, into their hearts with the goal of eternity.  This was a letter of love and yet of utmost importance.  Life and death hinged in the balances between paradigms and perspectives… as they still do today.

Paul?… His life story was defined by his personal encounter with Jesus, changing him instantly from a murderer of Christians to becoming one of the foremost leaders of the very movement he vowed to destroy (Acts 9).  Jesus is to blame.  Jesus is real.  Jesus will have the last word. Paul’s message to the Romans reflects this.

“Amanuensis”… Sounds like a cool name for a new Star Wars character or some mystery disease from the far east… “I’m sorry to inform you, but you have contracted Amanuensis” 😉

But it was exactly what Paul had during the scribing of these letters to Rome.  He had an Amanuensis named Tertius – I, Tertius, the one writing this letter for Paul, send my greetings, too, as one of the Lord’s followers. (Romans 16:22) Tertius was mentioned in the wisdom of the ages as Paul’s editor, helping him capture the latest Audible book from the Apostle himself.  Awesome!

APPLICATION: Over the past 3 months, I’ve been reminded of the certainty of our mortality.  No one really talks about this.  But we all know it to be true.  In a world of division, hatred, confusion and safe spaces… we all have this one thing in common, we all die. Morbid? I don’t think so. More like Reality.

Since June, I’ve lost one Uncle to Liver failure.  He is in Heaven at this very moment with many loved ones, family and friends!  Another Uncle was recently diagnosed with ALS and weeks ago found out yet another Uncle has begun his battle against cancer… Sobering to say the least.

What they all have in common is an understanding of who Jesus is.  All three at varying degrees of this… but aware nonetheless.  Each of them must face their own mortality and what waits for them on the other side. But they don’t have to do this alone!

I suppose I’m reminded today that Jesus has the last word… even on death.  Jesus literally died and rose again, just as He said He would.  Then promised life after death to anyone who believes in Him as their personal Lord and Savior.  Even the Thief who was crucified next to him was saved because he chose to believe in who Jesus was.  There wasn’t time for this man to do anything… except believe. (Luke 23:32-43)

This morning, I choose to reflect on who Jesus is for me personally.  I’ve been the Thief, guilty on all measures and deserving my penalties… and yet, Jesus.  If He walked out of the grave, I’m walking too!  There ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down!… There ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down.

I declare this over my heart and those I love.  Heaven is real.  Hell is real.  Jesus has the last word.  I’ve faced the prison of Shame.  Love lifted me up off the ground.  Love is my Redeemer and the Power where my freedom song is found.  There ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down!

This is my focus for today.  To move past understanding about the authority of Jesus, who lives in and through me.  I choose today to live a life of action, out of my beliefs of who Jesus is. I’m reminded today who my King is and my allegiance to Him, no matter the cost.

There was a battle, a war between death and life. There on the tree, the Lamb of God was crucified. He went on down to Hell and He took back every key. He rose up as a Lion and He’s setting all the captives free! … Including Eric Richard Robison.  Jesus is my King.  I will Follow Him.  Even when He calls me off the map.

It’s true, Fear is a Liar…  Fear is a Tyrant… but Love is my weapon. I’m gonna take my giants down! It’s who we are as Sons and Daughters of the King of Kings… It’s up to us to rise up.  Lives depend on it.

PRAYER:  So, lead on Jesus.  If You walked out of the grave, I’m walking too!  Ain’t no grave gonna hold my body down!  So be it.  Make it count Jesus.  I trust You.  Time to Run the Race again.  Lead on!  Come what may… I will run!

“Watch Your Triumph Unfold”

SCRIPTURE: “But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.” (2 Timothy 4:5)

OBSERVATION: Paul is teaching Timothy important life principals to live out this side of heaven so they will echo victoriously throughout eternity.  Paul reminds Timothy to stay awake as he walks out his faith journey with and for Jesus.  Lives depend on it.

APPLICATION:  I’ve been mentored by many.  However, there are only a handful who have proven to be faithful over the years.  These are the people who know me and advocate for God’s best in my life.  I’m grateful for these faithful few and appreciate how they hold my feet to the fire when I begin to stray off course.  They understand that legacy is about leading an intentional life. They remind me of the race I have been given to run.  It’s unconventional at best and I’m starting to fully enjoy who I am now and what Jesus has in store for me and my family!

The 75th Anniversary of the invasion of Pearl Harbor was a few days ago.  I asked my daughter what her teachers taught on.  To my surprise, she said, “Nothing.” … Nothing?!… Unacceptable.  So I helped her understand some of the stories that unfolded on island that day of infamy on December 7th 1941.

I had her watch some film footage of the attack, President FDR’s Presidential address to the Nation as we responded with resolve to finish the war we didn’t start… “So help us God.”

Then shared how her Great Grandpa, Frank Cordeiro, was only 16 years old when those Zeros released their bombs shattering America’s false hope of peace while confirming Japan’s bitter betrayal.  Grandpa Frank had his camera with him and began taking photographs.

He went on to become General MacArthur’s personal photographer during WWII and had the great privilege of capturing the signed surrender of the Japanese Empire aboard the Battleship Missouri.  He saw the war begin and end from a very unique perspective.  My kids should be proud of their family heritage.  It’s my role as a Father to remember well those who have come and gone in our life, gleaning life principals worthy of the next generation.

And with that, I shared with her the years we lived next to Pearl Harbor.  I shared how I used to run along the ocean shore path for miles with the old Battleship graveyard off shore in the distance.  Their hollowed shells reminded me of the history of Hawaii and the great privilege of living there.  Running on that path over the years changed me.  History set deeply within my heart.  It became personal.

So as I look at my life today, what am I about?  What is my life story reflecting?  What will my kids and my grandkids share about my life in the days to come?  These are questions that I hold loosely this morning.  I believe they are good questions.  They keep my feet following hard after the one that I follow, my King Jesus.

I want legacy.

I have legacy, up to a point.  I have a song and a story for the first 40 years of my life.  Yet I want more! And God knows it.  He put this longing deep within my heart before I was born.  Because of His faithfulness, I still follow Him.  There are promises I have held onto for years, that are being realized… NOW!  Life is now full of “Suddenlies” of blessings instead of curses.  Life is good.  And yet, there is so much more to come…


Praying and Planning for 2017 has me expecting a manifest season of “Suddenlies” for me and my family. Still praying through details, yet so expectant.  I’m at a fulcrum point in my life.  The next 40 years have just begun.  I’m getting excited about how Jesus will finish my story and glorify His name.  My life is good. And yet, God is not mocked… He will restore what was stolen from me and my family.  So excited!

PRAYER:  Make it count Jesus.  All of it.  I want legacy.  Not just the first 40… I want the next 40 to be exponentially better!  I choose to Follow You Off The Map as You show me every inch of this promised land You have brought me to.  Thank You for being so faithful.  I trust You.  And recognize that what You are about to do in and through me is for others.  May I fully carry out the ministry You are giving me.  I choose to be still and watch my triumph unfold… my faith is rising!

“No Turning Back!”…

SCRIPTURE: “Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.” (Galatians 5:1)

OBSERVATION:  Paul was writing to the church in Galatia about the dangers of religion vs. relationship with the living God, Jesus Christ.  If it was easy for Christians to fall into this trap of rules and regulations 2000 years ago, it’s definitely dangerous for the church today.  This letter reminds us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus instead of comparing with one another.  This promise of freedom is for both eternity and this side of heaven.  Freedom is found in Jesus!

APPLICATION:  Life has a way of teaching us profound lessons.  One of the principles I’ve learned along the way is the “No Turning Back” principle.  I learned this at a very young age trail running with my dad.  If you know me at all, you understand that I am filled with an unconventional pace that only matches the metronome of the OCD and Ultra Runners of the world.  It’s served me well and has been my greatest weakness.

Sifted down to this core principle is my desire to do my very best in all I do.  I’m not talking about being a perfectionist.  I’m talking about grit, discipline, determination, passion, sweat, blood and yes… sometimes tears.  Deep within me is a desire to give all I am to what and who I believe in.

I ran my first trail marathon with my Dad and best friend, Jon Archer, when I was 14 years old.  Yes, 26.2 miles!  I thought all young guys did crazy things like this.  Nope.  Just crazy people!  I joined the club early – Ha!  Running with Dad and Jon throughout my high school years and through college served me well.  I was surrounded by some of the most amazing people on the planet.  Ultra-Runners are crazy… and yet incredibly inspiring!  And… I’m srtruck this morning with that metranome again… yes, that calling deep within me to run again.  It’s time!

In 1995, I ran pace for my Dad at Western States 100.  I was supposed to help him get through the night in his adventure of running 100 miles within 24hrs.  I ended up helping him through the night… and then he kicked my ass for the entire 38 miles to the finish line.  It was awesome!  We literally almost died at least 2 times that day and yet lived to tell about it!  That experience changed my life forever!  For the better.

Here I am all these years later writing about freedom and the biblical principle of “No Turning Back”.  For the past two years, I’ve been through a “Season”… That season is over.  I’m so grateful.  Now I find myself at the place promised years ago and yet seemed an impossible journey.  When I had no strength to give, no answers to offer, no passion to pull from… I was faced with the very painful reality that the lies about me to a point… were true, “I am not enough.”

And yet, those lies were shattered when I chose to fix my eyes on Jesus and trust Him at His word.  I am a man who will follow my King regardless of pain nor emotions.  No turning back is deeply engrained into my DNA.  I’ve followed my Dad through hundreds of miles of trail running beating the clock, nature’s elements, limits of the human body and the various levels of mental barriers.  I’m able to fix my eyes on the goal and cross that line!

With this understanding, I’m also clear from where I’ve learned to trust my Heavenly Father.  By following my dad on those trails for years, I can hold in when Jesus chooses to take me OFF THE MAP.

Through the past 2 years, I’ve had to deal with my lack of faith at times when I felt as if God was not going to come through.  These were very deep places that only God could make or break my life significantly.  Those moments, those Life Chapters, were… well, what’s the word?… I immediately think of some explicit adjectives… but I’ll spare you, he he.  It was difficult at best full of Pain, Fear, Darkness, Insecurity, Questions, Anger, Loneliness and at times… Hopelessness.

But my King, Jesus Christ, who is the son of the Most High God, My Heavenly Father came through and proved every time that He is more than enough!  Even when my life fell apart, I fell into His arms.  He was enough.  My Papa was, is and always will be for me.  No turning back!

I had to make up my mind early on in life that I would choose God’s word over my emotions.  I know my heart.  I wish I could say that I am always right, but I’m far from it.  I know that I need Jesus through the Holy Spirit to lead me where the Heavenly Father has destined my feet to go.  I am a messenger, a runner if you will, with a calling to equip my kids and those in my sphere of influence to keep heart, to not give up, to never never never give up… to not turn back!

This is why I find myself excited this morning.  I haven’t turned back when most would have.  I never gave up when it would have been so much easier to settle for a lesser life.  But remember who you are talking to, I am Eric Richard Robison, an Ultra Runner and an incredibly unconventional man with a desire to finish the race against all odds.

I am wired to run the race few dare to dream of.  Why?  Because it’s difficult!  Well, I’m too damn stubborn to settle!  I want God’s best for me, my kids and my future wife.  I had legacy.  And the enemy attacked violently.  All seemed lost.  But God always has the last word.  I chose to trust Him at His word, betting everything on two scriptures given to me years ago:

  1. (Genesis 50:20) “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”
  2. (Genesis 26:22)  He moved away from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it; so he named it Rehoboth, for he said, “At last the Lord has made room for us, and we will be fruitful in the land.”

I’m moving on.  Keep moving!  No Turning Back!  I have love.  I have legacy because of Jesus Christ.  Period.

A few months ago I went to a prophetic leadership conference to experience worship led by David & Melissa Helser and to learn more from Graham Cooke, a long distance mentor of mine since 2005.  Ten years later, during the final session on May 30th 2015, Graham shared a word for us and I couldn’t help but think how personal Jesus can be in a room with over 1000 people… Jesus spoke directly to my heart through confirming both scriptures above and by speaking these words through Graham Cooke;

“The door will close behind you and there will be no way back.  Today I took hold of your hand and I pulled you in to My space with Me. With one hand I’m pulling you with Me and the other hand I’ve slammed the door shut! Two archangels are arch welding the thing shut! Ha 😉 Other angles have bolted it at every angle. Two more angles have locked both sides of the door with keys. There is No Way you can get back through that door! …More angles have built a brick wall so you don’t even know where the door is if you try to go looking for it again. YOUR BAD HISTORY STOPS HERE! Whatever is back there can no longer find you.

There is a freedom now in the present. I’m going to deal with the memories. I’m giving you such a brilliant present that you won’t have time to think about the past. New! It’s a whole new adventure. I spoke to the enemy and if he tries to go back and connect you with your past that I’ve just taken you from… There is no back door. It’s shut!” 

He gave me my freedom.  Now I’m free indeed!  No Turning Back!

Jesus has a way of confirming His word through life chapters if we choose to trust him and follow Him.  The choice is up to us. I choose to follow Jesus, even if He takes me OFF THE MAP.

I am struck with the reality that my past is behind me and I’m literally at the place of promise God told me about years ago.  Against all odds, my kids and I are about to experience unparalleled favor with life chapters of joy because of our family’s decision to follow Jesus no matter what.  I am so proud of my kids.  We are excited to begin this new season.  Full of expectation, passion and life… The Robisons are ready to run again!

I finally hear that metronome again of the freedom to run again… literally!  It won’t take me long to shed the pounds and get the mileage up again.  This time, I’m not running in response to betrayal. This time, I’m running in response to blessing!

PRAYER:  Jesus, Your word is living and true.  You have led me to this place of promise.  I trust that You will open doors that no man can shut.  And when You do, may this life chapter be one that my kids will always look back as proof that You are real, Your Word is true, You can be trusted, You will never leave them and You will always make a way where there is none.  May this experience be written on their hearts as a foundation for following You OFF THE MAP.  As for me and my house, we will trust the Lord.  No Turning Back!

“The Victor’s Crown”…

SCRIPTURE: To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Revelation 3:21-22)

OBSERVATION:  Jesus is victorious.  He has overcome.  He wears the victor’s crown.  He is the victor’s crown.

APPLICATION:  Jesus wins.  The Question is, will we choose to follow Him on the path to victory?  It’s easier said than done at times.

I’m learning that no matter what comes my way, Jesus has already won.  I need to live this out fully. Following Jesus this side of heaven has a definite sense of mystery.  Sometimes victory is packaged in common sense.  At other times, not so much.

I do pretty well at common sense decisions.  But I hesitate when Jesus asks me to follow Him off the well worn path of least resistance and off into the woods trailblazing our own trail.  I’m better at it now.  In fact, I’m ruined in a way, because it seems as though that’s all I’ve been doing for so many years.  I long to just rest and let my feet find one another on smooth ground.  But that’s not who I am.  That’s not who I’ve been created to be.  Ha… I’ve heard God tell me time and time again that I’m not normal.  He he… wasn’t quite sure how to take that at first.  But then waves of qualifying truths from my Heavenly Father cleared up what this meant.  I’m unconventional.  I like that.  It’s who I am.

The other day, my best friend and I were talking about overcoming and what he’s needing prayer about. His pastor was helping him as a sounding board.  At the end of his rendition of this conversation, I started laughing connecting with him in every way!  While laughing, I confirmed for him what I already knew to be true, “And he shook his head and said that you aren’t normal!  He didn’t know how to deal with your response!  He was speechless and was at a loss for words!  He has never met anyone like you!… Right!?”… As we were both laughing, he responded predictably, “Yep!” he he he.

I know my best friend and he knows me.  We can usually finish each other’s sentences and predict when we are going to need help in life circumstances.  After the past 2 years, he now looks to me as the line of measurement for all conflict.  “What would Eric do?”…

I’m not normal.  I’m unconventional.

This brings confidence at times, while at others great insecurities.  Ever been there before? Seeing others around you doing so well in a season of life when you are struggling?  Wishing you were more like other people?  Comparing your life to others?  This will kill you.

I’ve been there before and fight against this still today.  But more and more I’m a man who has accepted that I’m not normal and my unconventional title has been given because of my faith to follow Jesus where few go.  I have a life story of overcoming.  I have chapters upon chapters of victory because of who Jesus is.  He has led me to the finish line one race at a time.

Granted, most of the comparisons in my life are with people who for whatever reason have little to no conflict.  I don’t understand that.  Wish I did.  Pray for more of that.  But when the gun goes off and the runners bolt out of the blocks into this free for all race of life, I find myself running with few people who train like I do.  I’m not the fastest runner.  I’m not a front-runner.  I’m a finisher.

Many people look great out there at the beginning of the race.  New shoes and expensive tech gear along with matching outfit… I’ve learned to laugh at those people.  Yes, they look good.  So what.  Most of them go out too fast and hit the wall and won’t even finish the race.

When my eyes scan the pre-race crowd, I stop at those who are off to the side and draw no attention to themselves.  Often they have headphones in and are slowly jogging apart from the other runners.  They don’t have the best of the best and they usually have shoes that are worn, dirty and tested.  These are the runners that I watch.  They are real runners.  They will finish the race, guaranteed.

I’m at a place in my life right now that I’ve had to give up my passion of trail running and marathons in order to cash in all my time to love and lead my three kids the very best I can.  I don’t have the best job.  I don’t have the best salary.  Don’t have many things others have at this stage of life.  But I’m still in the race and I will finish strong!  Guaranteed.

Some hate me for reasons I still don’t understand.  They’ve accused me of awful things that I’ve never done.  So many lies have been told about me over the years…  They declare that ‘everyone’ hates how I act like a leader all the time and that I always act like I’m better than every one.  Interesting…

I don’t and won’t defend against these lies.  My life will speak for itself.  I know who I am.  I am Eric Richard Robison.  I’m a Bridge Builder and a Bible Communicator.  I am called to be a husband and a Father.  Jesus has a calling on my life.  I am called to be a messenger following Jesus in faith.  My legacy has, is and will be one of simple faith overcoming anything and anyone who comes against me.  I am called to run this race of life in such a way that my story points people to Jesus.

This is why people hate me.  So be it.  I won’t answer to these people.  I answer to my King Jesus.  He is the Victor’s Crown.  He has already won any fight that comes my way.  My job is to remain faithful to Jesus.  He will lead me.  He will be my pace-setter.  He will get me to the finish line.  We will finish together!

So this morning, I’m at a place of reflection taking inventory from where I’ve come from and where I’m going.  A runner must know what kind of race he’s running.  I’ve ran 4×100 relays, 6k’s, 10k’s, half marathons, marathons, trail marathons, and ultra marathons as a pacer for my Dad.  Running 38 miles helping my Dad get to his finish line of the 100 miles during the 1995 Western States 100 changed me in many ways.  I suppose that’s one of the reasons I’m “unconventional”… and this is not by chance.  God knows what He’s doing.

My entire life was training for this past season.  I cashed in all I had in order to run the race in such a way that victory and legacy would be secured in Jesus’ name.  It wasn’t easy.  I never want to do that again. Don’t have to.  I have victory.  I finished the race.  It is finished.  Jesus led me through every step of the way.  He is the Victor’s Crown!

While visiting and supporting a friend and mentor of mine in Australia, he walked me through some of the battles in WWI and the significance of sacrifice the Australian men gave for their country…and principle.  After that, I’ve been intrigued by those who fought in the WWI Trench Warfare arena.  My Great Grandpa Cecil Robison was one of those men on a different front.  A survivor.

These soldiers had lines of communication between camps.  When bombs and shrapnel cut these chords, chosen men had to run for their lives through top side with bullets buzzing all around them with no shelter.  They were literally human targets for the Turks.  Snipers’ delight was taking down these runners who’s life expectancy was only 24hrs in the battle lines.  Take a look at one of these heroes in this video clip who lived this first hand:

I’ve been in no war.  And yet… in a way, I have.  Yes, I said that.  Proud?  Don’t think so.  If you know me at all, you know I’m not a prideful man.  I most often err on the side of humility. But war changes a man. The gray areas of life fade away and what remains is light and darkness.  Life and death remains.  This is where I’ve been.  I’ve finished that race.  I was chosen and called to be a “Runner” in order to save the lives of many.  My kids and I now have life and legacy because of the courage and faith it took to follow Jesus where few ever go.  Into the line of fire for the sake of saving lives.

I have scars from that season.  I’m not ashamed of them.  I now look from where I’ve been and give glory to Jesus for leading me through a season I shouldn’t have survived.  I should be a casualty.  I should be in a place of bitterness and brokenness from betrayal.  Instead, I am a man who chooses to follow my King Jesus through any season.  He has led me to a place of peace, provision and promise.  He has overcome. He is the victory.  He is the Victor’s Crown.

How does one follow Jesus through such seasons?  One step at a time with uncompromising determination.  It’s a focus that I’ve only experienced a few times in my life.  Everything else becomes a blur.  The only thing that matters is the step in front of you.  One step at a time will get you to the finish line.  If you break this focus, fear will grip you… cause you to hesitate, leaving you an easy target for the enemy sniper who’s had you in his sights the entire time just waiting and hoping for this opportune moment.

The determining factor is the ability to focus on the finish line one step at a time.  No hesitation. Not even for a second!  Once you cross the finish line and deliver the message that was entrusted to you, that is when you faint and fall into the arms of those who can care for your wounds in the tent of healing. Until then… RUN!

This is a difficult scene to watch, but does a good job at depicting the importance of such ‘Runners’ in WWI.  Lives were at stake and they ran in such a way to save their mates…

I suppose this morning is a reminder for me to remember who I am, from where I’ve come from and where I’m going.  It’s a new season.  The war is over.  It’s a time of peace.  There truly is a season for everything.

It’s in this season of peace, protection, provision and promise that I look back on my life chapters and I tear up knowing that I shouldn’t be here.  I have a future and a hope.  And this hope will be walked out with gratefulness knowing Jesus is my victory.  I would not have been able to navigate what was hurled upon so well left to my own devices.  I would have been a casualty.  But I’m not.  I’ve followed Jesus’ every step leading me to victory and such a finish line… Jesus is my victory.  Jesus is the Victor’s Crown.

I’m so grateful.

PRAYER:  Thank You Jesus for all You have done in my life.  I know there is much more to come.  But from this point on, there will be blessings.  You will make it all count.  I have legacy.  Thank You for leading me to victory.  Even though I’m ‘Unconventional’ at best… thanks for creating me to be the man my kids need me to be in this season.  I’m so looking forward to what this season of peace has for me, my kids, my family.  We choose You Jesus… You are the Victor’s Crown!

“You’ve Done Great Things!”…

SCRIPTURE: “…I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,  I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

OBSERVATION:  Paul is writing the to the church in Philipi.  They didn’t know what to do with Paul’s imprisonment. Some weren’t sure what to do with unjustice, pain and public ridicule for the sake of following Jesus.  Were they ashamed?  Were they proud?  Most were confused and didn’t know what to think/do.  So they said/did nothing.  Paul wrote encouraging them to change.

APPLICATION:  How did he bring encouragement from such a dark place?  From the person in pain, perspective is presented. He lifted their imaginations and painted a different picture of what was really going on.  Jesus was being glorified through the pain.  Yes it was wrong.  Yes it was unjust.  No, it wasn’t fair.  But Jesus was able to reach people’s hearts even in the midst of darkness.  Paul understood this from his vantage point in prison.  The ‘Boots on the Ground’ perspective is always different from those who are watching from afar.

Paul helped his friends see things from a heavenly perspective.  He reminded them of our goal as Christians.  As Citizens of heaven, we are only here on earth for a few short years before spending time in eternity with Jesus.  So the goal is heaven.  But the goal isn’t just to cross the finish line.  No.  The goal insn’t the destination.  The goal is to bring as many people with us over that finish line!  It’s all about the journey.  It’s about bringing hope to hearts.  It’s about saving lives.

As Christians, we are Ambassadors of Heaven!  But so many of us forget this truth and get sidelined in the footrace of faith.  We settle for being spectators and forfeit God’s greatest adventure and defer to those who are willing to risk being authentic, real, genuine and vulnerable.  We hide in enless lines of meandering traffic.  We take our seat in impersonal cold cubicles.  We scurry from our cars into our safe suburbia homes shutting the blinds to our neighbors we don’t even know.  And then we get up and do this over and over and… over again.  Where is the life in that?!

I believe Paul is helping us understand that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, we must keep our hearts. How?  By Keeping a “Heavenly Perspective.”  With this vantage point, of seeing our situations from sitting with God as sons and daughters, everything is different!  We still have to go through the motions.  But with peace & purpose!

The principle of what Paul was sharing to the Philippians is the same for us today.  We need a “Heavenly Perspective” to navigate life with peace and purpose.  Paul called his friends, “Crowns” saying, “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stay true to the Lord. I love you and long to see you, dear friends, for you are my joy and the crown I receive for my work.” (Philippians 4:1) This intrigues me.

Paul likens life as a footrace.  And the finish line is what he is focused on.  But it’s not to merely survive the race and army crawl over the line.  No.  Paul understands that Jesus died so people may have life, this side of heaven and in eternity.  So Paul calls his friends ‘Crowns’… did you know that we will all give an account of how we lived this life to Jesus someday?  We will present our ‘Crowns’ to Jesus.  I believe Jesus is the one who awards us with these ‘Crowns’ in life. And someday in front of Jesus, all of us will bow down and willingly lay them all down to God when confronted with His majesty.

On a personal note, I know who I am.  I am a Bridge Builder and Bible Communicater.  I also am a runner.  I get the race.  I get the goal.  I am very aware that the ‘Crowns’ in my life will be the people in my life.  In heaven, I will lay down my crowns of my kids, my first wife and someday my next.  They are not possessions.  But the Halls of Heaven are ornate with stories of faith from simple people like you and me.  I realize that I won’t take anything with me to heaven.  But I will be accountable for everything I do.  I want God to make it count!

Jesus has made it clear to me that I have finished well with my first wife.  For 19 years, I honored God.  The enemy has tried to take my calling of being a husband and a father away from me.  I may bear scars from that season, but I’m still in the race!  It’s not all about how you start the race, rather how you run and finish the race!  Jesus has and will honor me with a crown of victory.  That was a finish line and starting line for something new.  I love my kids and have legacy with them.  They are my crowns.  I’m praying & preparing for my next wife someday.  I don’t know who she is yet, but Jesus will introduce us soon enough.  One thing I know, she is not a crown of posession.  She will be a crown to cherish and someday present to Jesus when I see Him face-to-face.  My future Daughter-in-laws, Son-in-law, Grandkids, Great Grandkids … Crowns!  My Friends, Crowns.  Classmates, Co-workers, Neighbors and more, all Crowns.

This is the Heavenly Perspective we must have in order to not only endure this race of life, but to run the race full of love and hope… even in the face of pain.  I choose to not live in the past, being sidelined as a spectator in life.  Rather I choose to focus on the finish line ahead of heaven.  I want my life to be used by God to encourage others.  When I do finish this life and see Jesus face to face, I want my life to count by seeing a myriad of people whose lives were changed for the better because of the way I ran, following Jesus.

PRAYER:  Jesus thank You for my life… every chapter.  It’s worth it all to know You more.  I have victory because of who You are.  Thank You for giving me this ‘Heavenly Perspective’.  There are still difficult sections of the race ahead of me.  But I choose to focus on You.  I will run my life with love and passion for You.  No matter what the enemy has brought against me, I will not disqualify myself to simply be a spectator in life.  I choose to run!  May the Crowns You honor me with in my lifetime be freely presented to You at the finishline of life.  When You crown me with eternal life, I choose to lay all I am at Your feet out of a grateful heart for what You’ve done.  You’ve done great things!

“I Want to Run!”…

SCRIPTURE: “Now Ahimaaz son of Zadok said, “Let me run and take the news to the king that the Lord has vindicated him by delivering him from the hand of his enemies.” “You are not the one to take the news today,” Joab told him. “You may take the news another time, but you must not do so today, because the king’s son is dead.” Then Joab said to a Cushite, “Go, tell the king what you have seen.” The Cushite bowed down before Joab and ran off. Ahimaaz son of Zadok again said to Joab, “Come what may, please let me run behind the Cushite. But Joab replied, “My son, why do you want to go? You don’t have any news that will bring you a reward.” He said, “Come what may, I want to run.” So Joab said, “Run!” Then Ahimaaz ran by way of the plain and outran the Cushite.” (2 Samuel 18:19-23)

OBSERVATION: King David’s son Absalom was dead.  Killed by David’s General and his armor bearers in the forest of brutal Civil War.  Fueled by betrayal and bitterness, Absalom’s now lifeless body was thrown into a pit with rocks piled on top of him, as the word spread of this bitter-sweet news of so-called victory…”The Traitor is dead”.  The question that quickly arose was, “Who’s going to tell the King?” Joab sent the Cushite to run from the forest battle to Mahanaim, where King David and his men waited to hear the news from the frontlines.  It wasn’t Ahimaaz’s turn to run.  Wasn’t his job.  As a frontlines messenger, he wasn’t going to get paid to run this time.  Ahimaaz didn’t care.  He wanted to run!  He wanted to be with his King when David heard the news that the battle was over, but at the brutal cost of losing his son’s life. 

APPLICATION:   Ahimaaz was a runner, a messenger who ran with good news. But he was more than this.  He was a good man, a messenger who was known for bringing good news. When people saw him running towards them, they recognized him by the way he was running.   I want to be such a man. 

While David was sitting between the inner and outer gates, the watchman went up to the roof of the gateway by the wall. As he looked out, he saw a man running alone. The watchman called out to the king and reported it. The king said, “If he is alone, he must have good news.” And the runner came closer and closer. Then the watchman saw another runner, and he called down to the gatekeeper, “Look, another man running alone!” The king said, “He must be bringing good news, too.” The watchman said, “It seems to me that the first one runs like Ahimaaz son of Zadok.” “He’s a good man,” the king said. “He comes with good news.” (2 Samuel 18:24-27).  

I want to be a man like Ahimaaz.  A good man.  A messenger.  A man who is known by the way he runs.  A man who bring goods news.  But not only this.  I want to be a man that counts the cost to run the race with and for God.  I want my life to count.  I want purpose to be the fuel and motives of my passion in life that allows me to go the distance.  The bible says that, “Ahimaaz ran by the way of the plain and outran the Cushite.” (2 Samule 18:23).

The Cushite ran the shortest distance through the mountains and valleys. We trail runners call this “Serious Vertical”.  It’s difficult but do-able.  Ahimaaz went the long way around choosing to drop down to the flat trails near the Jordan.  It was longer but easier to run.  The Cushite was motivated and no doubt was running with adrenalin.  But Ahimaaz was sprinting with all he had in him and more as this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stand before his King when the bad news came.  Ahimaaz ran with all that was in him.  He dropped the hammer and let it fly.  With endorphins flowing through his veins, he went all out and ended up beating the Cushite!  We don’t know the exact mileage, but as a trail runner… I believe the distance Ahimaaz ran may have been close to double that what the Cushite ran…and Ahimaaz beat him!  Once Ahimaaz finally made it to his friend and King, he gave good news… but in a way that brought honor to everyone.

  1. He respected his position & didn’t tell David everything. That was the Cushite’s job.
    • Man of Honor
  2. He helped prepare David’s heart to receive the next message as good news…
    • Man of Character
  3. He stood by his King not becuase it was his job, but because he ran heart first
    • Man of Integrity 

“Then Ahimaaz called out to the king, “All is well!” He bowed down before the king with his face to the ground and said, “Praise be to the Lord your God! He has delivered up those who lifted their hands against my lord the king.”The king asked, “Is the young man Absalom safe?” Ahimaaz answered, “I saw great confusion just as Joab was about to send the king’s servant and me, your servant, but I don’t know what it was.” The king said, “Stand aside and wait here.” So he stepped aside and stood there. Then the Cushite arrived and said, “My lord the king, hear the good news! The Lord has vindicated you today by delivering you from the hand of all who rose up against you.” The king asked the Cushite, “Is the young man Absalom safe?” The Cushite replied, “May the enemies of my lord the king and all who rise up to harm you be like that young man.” The king was shaken. He went up to the room over the gateway and wept. As he went, he said: “O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you—O Absalom, my son, my son!”

Unfortunately, sometimes life is filled with bitterness and betrayal.  But in the midst of the battles, I want to be a man that runs heart first.  I bear my fair share of scars from life-chapters that I wish were not part of my story.  But I realize that this side of heaven we will have suffering.  I surrender my expectations of living a life apart from hardships.  At the same time, I choose to raise a standard within my heart to be a man such as Ahimaaz.  A man of Honor, Character and Integrity. I choose to run in such a way as to bring good news.  Even in life’s most difficult seasons…may I be one that people recognize by the way I run.  By the way I live my life.  By the way I choose to count the cost to follow Jesus and stand by the ones I love…even in their darkest hour.  I choose to run!

PRAYER:  Lord Jesus, thank you for making me a runner.  This trail runner isn’t the fastest nor the strongest.  But I am willing to go where few go… following hard after You.  May I be someone who is trained and ready to run twice the distance in half the time when I’m called upon to be there for my family and friends.  To be a messenger of good news.  To put it all on the line when no one is asking me to.  May I be willing to give my all for You.  I am a runner, a messenger… Eric Robison is a “Bible Communicator and a Bridge Builder”. May I be a man of honor, character and integrity.  “Come what may… I want to run!”  

…When I find myself so far from home.  And You lead me somewhere I don’t want to go. Even in my death I’ll follow You…When I come to end this race I’ve run and I receive the prize that Christ has won, yes I will be with You in paradise…I believe everythig that You say You are, I believe and I have seen Your unchanging heart, in the good things and in the hardest part, I believe and I will follow You…I believe and I will follow You! 

“Follow to Finish Well”…

SCRIPTURE: “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which The Lord has promised to those who love Him.” (James 1:12)

OBSERVATION:  Blessed is the man who perseveres.  Blessed is the man who endures. Blessed is the man who doesn’t quit.  Blessed is the man that finishes the race.  When these are all lined up against each other, they point to one person… Jesus Christ. Persevering, Enduring, Finishing sound nice & noble.  But all of them will elude you if left to your own devices.  The only way to receive the finisher’s medal is to FOLLOW Jesus to the finish line He has for you.

APPLICATION:  Last weekend was Easter.  I drove my kids down to Oregon to visit family. It was a nice time of resting and recharging my batteries.  I know this sounds crazy, and quite frankly…it is.  But I set out on a half marathon trail run to charge my batteries.  My Dad took me on the same trail when I was a kid.  In fact, we ran a trail marathon on this same trail (Eagle Creek) when I was 14 years old.  I blame my enduring spirit on my Dad… and I’m grateful.

During the 13 miles of running while immersed in beautiful scenery and quietness… I heard a few things from the Lord.  Most of them were confirming promises I’ve heard recently. You see, I’ve just crossed a “Fulcrum Finish Line” – I’ve crossed the finish line of one race while at the same time, beginning a brand new race.  This second half race will prove to be one of Legacy.  But I haven’t gotten here with ease, peace and security.  It’s been a life of being on the frontlines of battle in the Kingdom.

I’ve held my ground and even taken back what the enemy had stolen from me.  I’ve experienced the highs of victory and the bitterness of utter defeat.  I bear the scars proving my presence in past campaigns and I’m still healing from truly flatlining back in June from betrayal.  But betrayal is not the end of me, nor is it what defines me.  My walk with Jesus and how I follow Him through these seasons have and will define me.

You see, I want my life to count.  I want to receive the finisher’s medal.  I want to receive the crown of victory at the end of my life.  But I don’t want to wait until heaven to be crowned with victories.  The picture in my mind of marathon finishers is quite vivid.  I long to be crowned with the laurel wreath as ancient runners recieved.  But I won’t recieve anything unless I cross the finish line!

Most can see the goal at the beginning of the race.  But in the middle of the pain, exaustion and doubt…it’s easy to give up & quit.  I believe most people give up because they lose focus on how they run the race.  It’s not just about finishing.  It’s about how you ran the race and crossed the finish line that qualifies you as a finisher or not.  You can easily be disqualified along the way.  So true is life and legacy with Jesus.  I want to cross the finish lines ahead of me with Jesus!  Yes you heard me.

You see my strategy to finishing well is to follow Jesus to the very end.  Upon each finish line will be a crown.  At the end of my life, when I’m finally before Jesus to give an account of my life.  I want to give back all of my crowns to the One that led me through each of them.  They really belong to Him.  Without Jesus, I would have never crossed the line and received a crown.

So it was fitting that all along the 2.5 hours it took me to run my trail half marathon on Saturday, this song was in my mind the entire time (See video above). Jesus is faithful to illuminate the road before me when the storms of life hit hard.  He will lead us through difficult valleys.  He won’t abandon us in the middle of them, He will lead us THROUGH them.  There is a finish line!  The choice is up to us to FOLLOW.  I have chosen and choose to follow my God, Jesus Christ.

PRAYER:  Jesus, I never imagined my life story would have these chapters written. However, You are more than able to turn what the enemy meant for evil against me into good.  So I declare that as I choose to follow You off the map, You will lead me step by step into Your very best for my life.  The legacy of the Robison family is only beginning. You have made a way out of darkness.  You will illuminate the road before me.  I trust in You… so even now, I will follow You.