“Breakthrough is Coming!”…

SCRIPTURE: Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain started falling and Ahab rode off to Jezreel. The power of the Lord came on Elijah and, tucking his cloak into his belt, he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel. ” (1 Kings 18:45-46)

OBSERVATION:  Elijah just went head-to-head with hundreds of false prophets and called down fire from heaven ending a 3 year drought and proving that God was real.

Then in faith, Elijah felt that breakthrough was coming.

Rain was coming!  There wasn’t a cloud in the sky… or wait, wait a minute.  News of a small cloud off in the distance… That was all Elijah needed.  He declared Breakthrough is coming and sent the king out on his chariot to get ahead of the deluge.

And then the power of the Lord came on Elijah and he ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way into Jezreel…

APPLICATION:  Breakthrough is coming!  This unction… feeling… stirring… has been felt within my own heart over the years. It never fails.  Breakthrough always follows!

When I was younger and running Marathons & Ultra’s, I got used to the “Runner’s High” from endorphins.  Oh it’s real!  And pretty damn impressive when it kicks in.  I’ve gone from flat out next to cramping, to running in the sixes with a big stupid grin on my face for miles and miles.  So, yeah… my like it!

But what I like more, is the Presence of God, the Power of God!

Yesterday, I went out on another 30 mile bike ride since I’m on mission to lose weight and correct back to who I am.  No, not who I was.  Who I am.  And who I am called to be.  120 miles in 2 weeks is a good way to kick off 2019 training for Seattle to Portland (STP).  But it’s much more than that.  You see, I know Breakthrough is Coming!

I was riding about 16 mph along the lake, just enjoying the sunshine, feeling free, with the wind in my face, heart pumping, blood flowing and bugs in my teeth from smiling so big.  And then it happened.  I felt God’s manifest presence hit.  Not endorphins. I know the difference.

I started to laugh out loud and then a few happy tears came out of nowhere, along with shouts of praise.  Out loud on the trail praising Jesus and shouting how good my God is, pedaling faster and faster… Oh by the way, I rode a 31 miler the day before.  My legs were shot.  But there I was, pumping out 20 mph like it was nothing… Breakthrough is coming!

I shouldn’t be so happy right now.  Doors are closing and opening.  Closing and Opening…  I went first, out of an obedience check, to close a door of promise I thought was open. Then on the other hand, what I thought were closed doors of provision are now opening… and now shutting again.  Or wait, what? Haha! 🙂 What the heck?!  So confusing!  Or is it?

What is going on?! I will tell you what is going on – Breakthrough is coming!

I’ve seen this happen before.  And this time is no different.  God is at work in places I cannot see, and quite frankly, don’t need to see.  I feel it!  I’ve done my work.  I have released what was in my heart.  My weapons of righteousness have been released.  The rest is up to Jesus!

Faith, Hope and Love… are choices that I alone had to make over the years.  Now, I will experience the fruit of all three.  I know Breakthrough is Coming.  Why?  Because Jesus has promised me very specific things in my life.  They haven’t happened yet.  But what I do see now for the first time in a very long time, is that I am positioned for these promises!  The best is yet to come!

I’ve followed Jesus into freedom and oh man does it feel so good!  Haven’t been here in a very long time.  And I know it will just keep getting better and better from here!  I’ve given up needing to have answers.  I don’t rely on logic nor what people consider as normal.  I’m NOT Normal.  Never wanted to be.  But I am blessed nonetheless!

Obedience to get up and run (or bike in my case), pray for someone, open or shut a door, turn a key and walk into freedom… declares to the Kingdom, light and darkness, that I am a Child of God.  I will follow through on doing what Jesus tells me to do.  It may take a while to get there sometimes, but I’ll get there.  And when Heaven sees a Son or Daughter simply trusting our Heavenly Father… Wow… Miracles happen!

So, most of my promises are long term horizon asks… I’ve endured my dry season.  I have stood on my own Mt. Carmel and called down fire from heaven proving that God is real to my enemies.  And now, like I’ve said before, it’s time!

Doesn’t make sense to me.  But I am excited about life and what Jesus has in store for me and my family.  I know Breakthrough is Coming!  By faith, I see a miracle!  My God made me a promise and He won’t stop now!

PRAYER:  Jesus, I want to run again.  I give You glory for all You’ve brought me through. And now I’m ready for whatever You want to do. I’m moving forward to follow after You. And now I’m ready for whatever You want to do.

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