SCRIPTURE: “Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) 

OBSERVATION: Paul once again penned a letter of love and life-giving principles to live by, reflecting the person of Jesus and the hope of heaven. Our bodies are like tents that will be folded up when we die, only to be transformed into new creations that will withstand eternity.  So, in light of eternity… what do we do with the groanings we endure this side of heaven?

Paul encouraged the people in Corinth to love Jesus and to love one another, embracing the fact that we are new creations this side of heaven. Why? Because we have the gift of the Holy Spirit within us that enables us to be and do what we could never dream of in our own strength. The key to unlocking this mystery is vulnerability and the power to turn the key is trust. Will we be a people who live by these keys? That is the question for me today…

APPLICATION: We are “Enfolded into Christ”… what does that mean?  Well, I’ve been thinking about this principle for the past 9 months.  Every time I sit down to write my thoughts, there is a hesitation. So, this morning I choose to push through that to see what awaits me on the other side.


That word connotates weakness and defeat in western culture. Not so with Jesus.

If/when we choose to surrender our heart to God, there is an exchange that happens that is unseen yet felt nonetheless. Heaven redefines our surrender to Jesus as victory. When we raise our hands in surrender to Jesus in worship, Heaven sees this as an act of faith that cannot be ignored.

I’m a ‘Triple Dad’, a Father of 3 Amazing young adults.  When they were little, and came running to me, sometimes crying with open arms… it didn’t matter what I was doing… They became my #1 focus. I dropped everything to kneel down, embrace them and simply love them through whatever was causing their pain.

I was with them in it and helped walk them through to the other side… sometimes carrying them to the other side. It’s what I did, and still do… in principle. “Kids” at 23, 21 & 17 rarely come running as they did @ 3. Now, Dinner Table Conversations, Phone Calls, Facetime chats and even Texts suffice. But once in a while, the tears still come… and I’m there with them, embracing them, loving them, honoring them. When my Kids choose to surrender their fears by letting me into their world… it creates an environment of authenticity that brings healing. What else can a Dad ask for?


I don’t see authenticity modeled very well in my life. Most people are closed off, critical of one another and simply calloused. I too had my season of shielding up to most people because of what was brought against me wave after wave after wave. But life is meant to be much more than survival. So, I chose to do the hard work… the heart work… in order to move on in freedom. I Surrendered to Jesus by choosing to be real with Him. I chose to be real with Him.  I chose to open my heart to Him.  I chose to be Authentic with Him.

This song has literally been playing for the past 9 months. In my car during my Seattle Commute, Quiet Times, in my Office, at Home and more. There is something to this song that hit a chord within my heart in such a deep place, that words have been difficult to find. If you’ve known me for any length of time, I have no problem with words 😉 And yet, this song?!

“I Let Out the Sails of My Heart” – What does this really mean?

In nautical terms, “Letting Out the Sails” means to depower the boat. As the wind/sail angle decreases, the sail loses power. In other words, letting out the sail is a way to slow down and even stop in the water… So why would this lyric be used? What about this hit me so deeply?

For me, it helped me define my choice to trust Jesus during my storm. The winds of life were torrential. And yet, I unmistakably heard Jesus’ invitation to Surrender my cares to Him in order for Him to lead me through the Process toward Victory.  It was a choice. I made it in faith.

Ever been there? In the worst season of your life. Knuckles white from holding onto the ropes/reins of your life, only to be confronted with Heaven’s invitation to simply let go? This ain’t no Disney Princess movie singing “Let it Go” with Olaf cracking jokes in the background… Nope! This is hardcore hitting winds of life, with no way out. Life and Death decisions.

So when we realize that Jesus is in our boat, enduring the storm with us… and yet draws close to us, embraces us and whispers in our ear to simply trust Him by letting go.  The Surrendering… Letting out the Sails… takes great Faith!

But when we do choose to trust Jesus, releasing the ropes from our blistered and tired hands… a valuable exchange occurs. The sails of our heart violently unwind from the pressing winds as we most assuredly anticipated. All momentum is lost, lurching the boat to the mercy  of the waves in an uncontrolled state with rain, wind, thunder and lightning seeming laughing at our loss of control.

And then the fear and anger rises within our heart at the confusion of our current state. What are You doing Lord!… Why Jesus?!… I don’t understand?!… I trusted You?!

And there it is… Authenticity.  We finally reveal our true heart. That is when Jesus can move us to the next level of the journey… Intimacy.


I’ve learned in my life that nothing is really worth doing/having unless Jesus is with me. Even in the seasons of letting go. Letting Out the Sails of My Heart… feeling powerless… vulnerable… exposed… It’s worth it. Why?

Because it’s just the beginning of understanding how much Jesus truly loves me and is for me. When I choose to Let Out the Sails of My Heart, I choose to live authentically. Refusing to be a man with a closed off heart. Even if it scares the hell out of me. Literally. Fear is replaced by Faith. How?

In our state of pain and confusion, Jesus is with us, as He’s always been. Only now, we have invited Him into our situation asking, pleading and sometimes demanding that He do something. It’s in the storms of life when we discover that our paradigms of Jesus being distant and demanding are just simply… wrong!

As our boat flails about with the sail and ropes slapping against the mast and boom… Jesus stands and stills the storm. The wind and the waves obey Him. And I simply sit down in astonishment… “Who is this Jesus?!” echoes within my heart just as it did with the early Disciples:

Then he turned to his disciples and said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Haven’t you learned to trust yet?” But they were overwhelmed with fear and awe and said to one another, “Who is this man who has such authority that even the wind and waves obey him?” (Mark 4:40-41)

Surrender leads to Authenticity, which leads to Intimacy… being known and valued for who you truly are. You see, it’s in these moments that Jesus’ authority manifests.  Not in a way that intimidates nor belittles. Rather, in a way that reveals to us more of who we are.

Jesus is always faithful to lead us through to the other side of our storms. Sometimes He calms the storms completely. Sometimes He equips us to navigate through the raging storm.  Regardless, He shows up!  He is faithful to bring us to the other side. And in doing so, we are always changed because of His love for us and our personal experience… our testimony.

Many may not understand and even challenge our faith in God. And yet, we stand on our journey with Jesus and His word, experiencing His love for us. So much so, that we are changed forever. It’s who He is and what He does.


Surrender leads to Authenticity, which leads to Intimacy, which leads to Love. I’m not one to write much about love. Love has been attacked in my life. I thought I knew what love was. But for the past 6 years, I’ve been on a journey discovering new depths of life.

Previously, I defined Love based on my experience with people. Family, Friends, Marriage and Fatherhood. Now… I look to Jesus. He has led me through a journey of letting go… Although lonely at times, this has been an important work for me.  Learning to Love by Letting Go sounds like an oxymoron. And yet, I am proof that Jesus’ ways are not my ways. His wisdom supersedes mine and always leads me in truth and love.

As I continue to learn how to Let Out the Sails of My Heart, I’m learning more about myself and who Jesus is. And in that journey, I am learning how to better love others in my life.  Encouraging them to live in Surrender, Authenticity, Intimacy and Love. For me, life is about Legacy. I want a life with purpose. I want to have a Song and a Story worth telling for generations.


Even though there are chapters I wish weren’t written, I’m proud of how they have been and are being redeemed. I now have a Song and a Story worth sharing. Jesus has turned my most devastating storms of life into what great stories are made of. He came to my rescue!

And now that I have gone through the transformation process of Letting Out the Sails of My Heart, I see myself in a new light. I now understand the hidden areas of my heart and how God created me to let those colors fly.

You see, even as a caterpillar has no idea of its future… neither do we! Most of us fight the process of metamorphosis and breaking out of our shell and letting out those sails. It’s dark, lonely, painful, confusing, vulnerable and more. And yet, SO WORTH IT! I want those wings! I want the beauty and life experiences they bring! How about you?

In all of this, it’s the miracle of what is happening after the storms that still surprises me. I was left with peace in the process of learning how to live in new levels of trust. Jesus began to be the source of my momentum instead of trying to rein the winds of life. I learned how to trust God’s leading instead of my own. He brought refreshing gentle winds that filled my entire heart. Not merely the small sliver of sail that I chose to expose. No. My entire heart was let out. He honored my journey and is now leading me to new destinations that I never would have experienced in my own strength. And… it’s just the beginning!

PRAYER:  Lord Jesus, You know the depths of my heart and our journey together. This journal only scratches the surface of what I’ve learned over the past 6 years. I thank You for the opportunity to choose You. Thank You for showing me how much You love me and are for me. Help me live my life in this new season in such a way that honors the heart You have given me. As I learn to let the sails fly, I ask that You continue to make it all count. I want Legacy. I want Love. I want all that You have for me and my family. Teach me how to help others learn how to Let Out the Sails of Their Heart!


I spent so many years stuck in my head… Couldn’t see past myself. All the time you were right here in front of me. A part of me. Inside of me. And patiently You spoke to me. And You set me free. And so naturally, I’m living from my heart. This is just the beginning. This is just the beginning of a new way of living with You! I Let Out the Sails of My Heart. Here I am, here You are…

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