“You Found Me…”

SCRIPTURE: If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

OBSERVATION:  Jeremiah lived in a time of captivity.  Babylon sieged countries as corporations consume businesses in the west, except with bodies in the wake of their path of destruction.  Relentless and without mercy.  The headlines from the so-called Prophets were peace and prosperity.  Then God showed up to Jeremiah with an entirely different message.  God spoke truth with a clarion call that shook all hopes of comfort and control. Jeremiah was chosen to be a messenger for his people because of his resolve.  This man valued Heaven’s perspective more than anything.  He wasn’t afraid to stand alone and speak from the core of his character, which was built on honesty, truth and following God no matter the cost.

APPLICATION:  I’ve recently been given the opportunity to be real, honest, vulnerable… which doesn’t come easy for me these days.  Yet, surprisingly… I find myself opening up and sharing my story.  What is more surprising to me is the reciprocity received.  I’m not used to that. In fact, I’ve grown accustom to the very opposite.  And almost accepted this as the new norm…  It’s nice to have false paradigms shattered once in a while.  Grateful.

Over the course of the past month, new trailers for the upcoming movie “Unbroken2” have caught my attention.  This is the second half of Louis Zamperini’s life story. The first movie, “Unbroken“, retold the unforgettable account of Louis’ life story as an Olympic runner and a surviver of WWII prison camps.  He is one of my Heroes of Faith and I’ve learned much from this man.  If you haven’t read the book, Unbroken, I highly recommend it!

However, this new movie brings to light the very real struggles of coming out of warfare. The pain, anger, questions and eventually, quitting points.  Louis shut it down. All of it. Locked it away deep in the chambers of his heart and determined to simply forget it. Over the years, this unseen low-grade fever finally grew into an all out assault on his life and legacy.  Despite Louis’ stubbornness, this unchecked infection of unforgiveness is what finally brought this war hero to his knees.

…And in a moment, he was set set free.  Heaven did in minutes, what Louis could not do in years.

He found the person of Jesus Christ.  Louis knew about Jesus his entire life, but did not open his heart to Jesus.  In that Tent of Healing, he was found.  Jesus changed his life forever.  So much so, that Louis’ life message would be of Forgiveness, sending him on a path back to the very origin of his pain.  Japan’s Prison Camps and his Captors. He purposed in his heart to Face them… and Forgive them.  Louis brought the Gospel to those who once tormented his soul…  Only Heaven can change a man on that level.  God has, is and will receive glory for Louis’ life of simple faith and obedience based on forgiveness.  Like I said, Hero status.  He’s the real deal…


My journey pales in comparison to Louis’ or any of the men/women who have gone before us and helped secure the peace of our great nation. Especially those from the Greatest Generation who fought in WWII.  However, it is the tested truths of God’s word that parallels just the same.

I’m sure you have your own story.  Regardless of how far we have journeyed away from Jesus, He never leaves our side.  He’s simply waiting for the opportunity when our free will collides with our faith.  At this fulcrum moment, Jesus is quick to listen and speaks life over His sons and Daughters.

I’ve had my moments of life change.  There are more on the horizon.  How about you?  Do you sense Jesus bringing you to a place of breakthrough?  If so, I encourage you to be real.  Open your heart to Jesus and find out what Heaven speaks over your life and legacy.  Jesus wants to be found.  He found Louis.  He found me.  He will find you.

PRAYER: Jesus, thank you for men and women in the Bible who lived lives of simple faith even in the face of opposition and insurmountable odds.  And thank you for the Louis Zamperini’s of the 21st Century who model the very same walk of faith.  In Louis’ case, he embodied running the race.  His words echo within my heart today, “I’d made it this far and refused to give up because all my life I had always finished the race.” Louis finished his race and is in heaven now.  Legacy is his.  Thank you for my journey, Jesus.  Like Louis, You found me.  Grateful.

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