Whatever May Come…

SCRIPTURE: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

OBSERVATION:  King Solomon’s words were clear. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Seek God’s will. God will show you which path to take. And yet, we are quick to forget that these truths are packaged in a warning… Do not depend on your own understanding. How are you doing with that one? If I’m being honest, I could be doing much better at this.

APPLICATION: It’s been a while since I journaled. I’ve started multiple entries, but never finished them.. 2020 has been anything but dull, throwing challenge after challenge at us to navigate. So, this morning I find myself at a place where I’m desiring more than anything to be in God’s presence. I’m a Son who needs to hear who I am, defined by my Heavenly Father, not by circumstances nor people’s opinions.

So, I sit here at this coffee shop the same way I have been for the past 7 years expecting Jesus to speak by the Holy Spirit. And He does. Every time. It’s up to me to make the time and slow down to receive what Heaven is saying for me personally. I’ve been on the go for far too long. It’s nice to be back in a place of peace, ready to receive.

Yesterday, I was out Fly Fishing in the rain. It was glorious. No one around for the entire day. Just me and the beautiful PNW beauty this ambivert needs to charge my batteries after a long week of talking with people hour after hour… Makes me tired just typing that!

As I was enjoying my time on The River, I received a text from my Son who just moved to California. He had some not-so-good news and a challenge that he now has to navigate due to someone else’s immaturity. As I started texting him, I realized this warranted more than a string of texts. So I called him.

We talked for nearly an hour about how good Jesus is and how his situation is actually a Possibility Instead of a Problem. I know, I know, sounds like “Christianese”… but it’s not. In fact, this stuff is so serious, I likened it unto war. Strategies will rise and fall, coming against the advancing of God’s Kingdom. Most of the time, unseen and at the most inopportune time.

So I blessed my Son. Let him know how much I love him and am proud of him. That is first and foremost. The rest is secondary. Once he knew my heart for him, I could let it fly. We talked about our relationship over the past few years and how he is truly ready for this.

Why? Well, I’ve had the opportunity as a Dad to share many “Tower Talks” on Prophetic Leadership. My intent was to let my son into my world and mentor him in realtime in order to prepare him for his own life adventures that were on the horizon. Relationship with Jesus is first. Prophetic Leadership is second.

Now, in this season of having my kids launch from the SS Robison, It’s a joy to have them circle back for more Tower Talks in their new life chapters. I get to open the Comms and lead this Family Convoy from a new place of influence. I am so proud of my kids! And they know whatever may come, I am here for them. They also know that Jesus’ love overcomes!

By the end of the hour, my Son was encouraged. He understood Biblical principles that are at play and his role in them. There was a confidence in his voice that was not there earlier. It made me so happy to hear the the change. And to understand that he was not alone. He will be seeking God’s will and follow the direction of the Holy Spirit. He also knows that our Heavenly Father is just as proud of him as I am. My work is done here… until the next call 😉

This reminded me of the movie Greyhound that came out recently. The Captain was responsible for leading and protecting the Convoy crossing the Atlantic’s Black Pit… without Air Support for 5 days:

So many Leadership Principles in this movie. I understand that men will always have the woman they love on their radar. Always looking for them in their mind’s eye, even if they are 1,000 miles away. I understand life is unfair. I understand advancing the Kingdom will come with opposition. I understand attacks will come when we are most vulnerable. I understand victory comes at a cost. I understand that Freedom is worth the cost. And many more to list here…

But what got me the most was the opening and closing scenes where Captain Krause started and ended with prayer. Mind you… 5 days had passed. Opening and closing with an exhausted, bloody yet victorious man who chose to kneel in humility to his King Jesus, giving credit for where credit is due.

I want to be such a man. So when the Comms open up confirming we have hits directly on the Convoy, may I be a Leader who trusts in You Jesus. Even when the distress flares fly and the fear sets in, may I be a man who trusts Your Word instead of the Propaganda of the Wolfpack. In those moments and even days of action, may you lead me and guide me through to the other side to victory. And may I be a man of humility giving credit for guiding me through those darkest hours.

PRAYER: Thank you Jesus for reminding me the importance of depending on Your word. I’m also reminded that what I did yesterday to get us here today is not enough. Not nearly enough. In this new season of leading my family through new and unknown waters, may You be the one who guides us. Even when others are not able to journey with us, leaving us without air support, may we remember that Your Love Overcomes!

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