“Get Up!”…

SCRIPTURE: Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

OBSERVATION: Paul penned many letters in the New Testament encouraging the people of The Way, or The Church, to follow Jesus with all their heart.  Life was difficult, as it sometimes is today.  And yet in the middle of the struggle is life’s most precious purpose.  People.

Jesus lived, died and rose again for People. For you and for me. Even carrying the cross after unspeakable torture, Jesus kept getting back up again and again until he arrived at His finish line on the unforgiving grounds of Golgotha. Jesus finished well with us in mind.  Love is what motivated His story.  Love is what made History.

Paul’s words echo as relevant today as it did over 2,000 years ago.  We must choose to make a stand when Fear rises.  Paul chose to Get Up!… Over and over and over and over again, suffering more than most, and yet loving more than most. Why? He knew the depths of God’s love towards him.  A murderer of Christians once named Saul, now named by Jesus as Paul, an Apostle of The Church!  Only God’s love can change a life like that.

APPLICATION:  But there are moments when we can’t Get Up on our own.  Even along with way to Golgotha when Jesus’ body was bleeding out and spent, He became too weak to carry the cross in His own strength.  The Romans made a bystander named, Simon of Cryrene step in and carry Jesus’ cross… Even Love needed help to get to His destination.

Each of us have unique challenges to overcome this side of heaven.  I believe that God doesn’t orchestrate most of the storms in our life, but He is faithful to lead us through to the other side if we invite Him in.  This week, I’ve been taking inventory of my life story.  Scars and all.  And you know what?  The verdict still stands true.  I have a Song and a Story.  My life is Good.  I am proud of the man I’ve become and the scars I still bear from my journey.

Why?  Because they remind me of what Jesus went through for me.  He gave it all out of His love for me when I had nothing to offer.  Not even my life.  And yet, now… I am in relationship with Jesus.  He’s my Savior, King and Friend.  We have a few things in common that many won’t ever experience.  I used to hate parts of my past, until Jesus helped me to Get Up again and again and again.  Over and over and over and over… it was Jesus who called me to my feet out of Love.  He reminded me of who He is and what motivates Him.  Jesus is love.  He gave it all for People.  For you.  For me.

So, I’m not responsible for most of what I’ve had to go through in my past, and yet I stand tall knowing that I’ve been obedient to follow my King through to the other side.  And Yes, Jesus has had to step in and carry me at times.  My cross has been carried by Jesus once and for all.  And yet, He’s quick to carry me!  I used to fight that.  Not any more.  I welcome God’s presence, patience and power in my life.

I was thinking through people who have been in my corner in those seasons when I was down.  They are few, but never forgotten.  Family, Friends and Loved Ones.  To this day, I still hear their voices echo in my mind when Jesus walks me through the Hallways of my Heart.  Photos of those life events are now redefined to reflect what Heaven rejoices.  It’s not the struggle that defines us.  It’s how we choose to walk through them to the other side with Jesus that counts.

I know it’s old school… I guess I’m becoming more old school than I care to admit.  But this clip from Rocky comes to mind of such an example of unconventional love and the power that people can have in and through our life story.  It all comes down to love.  The choice before us is what will we do when we are knocked down?  Will we be given to Fight or Flight?

My choice is to Get Up!  Again and again and again… Over and over and over.

PRAYER:  Jesus, my life has been unconventional at best.  I’m not normal.  I don’t want normal. But I can say that I’ve been loved by those closest to me.  I don’t have a story of fuzzy bunnies and rainbows… but I have a story of standing for and with Love.  I have Legacy.  I’m so grateful for You Jesus and how You’ve led me to this place of blessing. Thank you for the people that helped me Get Up and get here. You were The Angel in them Jesus… Love You too.



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