SCRIPTURE: “Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) 

OBSERVATION: Paul once again penned a letter of love and life-giving principles to live by, reflecting the person of Jesus and the hope of heaven. Our bodies are like tents that will be folded up when we die, only to be transformed into new creations that will withstand eternity.  So, in light of eternity… what do we do with the groanings we endure this side of heaven?

Paul encouraged the people in Corinth to love Jesus and to love one another, embracing the fact that we are new creations this side of heaven. Why? Because we have the gift of the Holy Spirit within us that enables us to be and do what we could never dream of in our own strength. The key to unlocking this mystery is vulnerability and the power to turn the key is trust. Will we be a people who live by these keys? That is the question for me today…

APPLICATION: We are “Enfolded into Christ”… what does that mean?  Well, I’ve been thinking about this principle for the past 9 months.  Every time I sit down to write my thoughts, there is a hesitation. So, this morning I choose to push through that to see what awaits me on the other side.


That word connotates weakness and defeat in western culture. Not so with Jesus.

If/when we choose to surrender our heart to God, there is an exchange that happens that is unseen yet felt nonetheless. Heaven redefines our surrender to Jesus as victory. When we raise our hands in surrender to Jesus in worship, Heaven sees this as an act of faith that cannot be ignored.

I’m a ‘Triple Dad’, a Father of 3 Amazing young adults.  When they were little, and came running to me, sometimes crying with open arms… it didn’t matter what I was doing… They became my #1 focus. I dropped everything to kneel down, embrace them and simply love them through whatever was causing their pain.

I was with them in it and helped walk them through to the other side… sometimes carrying them to the other side. It’s what I did, and still do… in principle. “Kids” at 23, 21 & 17 rarely come running as they did @ 3. Now, Dinner Table Conversations, Phone Calls, Facetime chats and even Texts suffice. But once in a while, the tears still come… and I’m there with them, embracing them, loving them, honoring them. When my Kids choose to surrender their fears by letting me into their world… it creates an environment of authenticity that brings healing. What else can a Dad ask for?


I don’t see authenticity modeled very well in my life. Most people are closed off, critical of one another and simply calloused. I too had my season of shielding up to most people because of what was brought against me wave after wave after wave. But life is meant to be much more than survival. So, I chose to do the hard work… the heart work… in order to move on in freedom. I Surrendered to Jesus by choosing to be real with Him. I chose to be real with Him.  I chose to open my heart to Him.  I chose to be Authentic with Him.

This song has literally been playing for the past 9 months. In my car during my Seattle Commute, Quiet Times, in my Office, at Home and more. There is something to this song that hit a chord within my heart in such a deep place, that words have been difficult to find. If you’ve known me for any length of time, I have no problem with words 😉 And yet, this song?!

“I Let Out the Sails of My Heart” – What does this really mean?

In nautical terms, “Letting Out the Sails” means to depower the boat. As the wind/sail angle decreases, the sail loses power. In other words, letting out the sail is a way to slow down and even stop in the water… So why would this lyric be used? What about this hit me so deeply?

For me, it helped me define my choice to trust Jesus during my storm. The winds of life were torrential. And yet, I unmistakably heard Jesus’ invitation to Surrender my cares to Him in order for Him to lead me through the Process toward Victory.  It was a choice. I made it in faith.

Ever been there? In the worst season of your life. Knuckles white from holding onto the ropes/reins of your life, only to be confronted with Heaven’s invitation to simply let go? This ain’t no Disney Princess movie singing “Let it Go” with Olaf cracking jokes in the background… Nope! This is hardcore hitting winds of life, with no way out. Life and Death decisions.

So when we realize that Jesus is in our boat, enduring the storm with us… and yet draws close to us, embraces us and whispers in our ear to simply trust Him by letting go.  The Surrendering… Letting out the Sails… takes great Faith!

But when we do choose to trust Jesus, releasing the ropes from our blistered and tired hands… a valuable exchange occurs. The sails of our heart violently unwind from the pressing winds as we most assuredly anticipated. All momentum is lost, lurching the boat to the mercy  of the waves in an uncontrolled state with rain, wind, thunder and lightning seeming laughing at our loss of control.

And then the fear and anger rises within our heart at the confusion of our current state. What are You doing Lord!… Why Jesus?!… I don’t understand?!… I trusted You?!

And there it is… Authenticity.  We finally reveal our true heart. That is when Jesus can move us to the next level of the journey… Intimacy.


I’ve learned in my life that nothing is really worth doing/having unless Jesus is with me. Even in the seasons of letting go. Letting Out the Sails of My Heart… feeling powerless… vulnerable… exposed… It’s worth it. Why?

Because it’s just the beginning of understanding how much Jesus truly loves me and is for me. When I choose to Let Out the Sails of My Heart, I choose to live authentically. Refusing to be a man with a closed off heart. Even if it scares the hell out of me. Literally. Fear is replaced by Faith. How?

In our state of pain and confusion, Jesus is with us, as He’s always been. Only now, we have invited Him into our situation asking, pleading and sometimes demanding that He do something. It’s in the storms of life when we discover that our paradigms of Jesus being distant and demanding are just simply… wrong!

As our boat flails about with the sail and ropes slapping against the mast and boom… Jesus stands and stills the storm. The wind and the waves obey Him. And I simply sit down in astonishment… “Who is this Jesus?!” echoes within my heart just as it did with the early Disciples:

Then he turned to his disciples and said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Haven’t you learned to trust yet?” But they were overwhelmed with fear and awe and said to one another, “Who is this man who has such authority that even the wind and waves obey him?” (Mark 4:40-41)

Surrender leads to Authenticity, which leads to Intimacy… being known and valued for who you truly are. You see, it’s in these moments that Jesus’ authority manifests.  Not in a way that intimidates nor belittles. Rather, in a way that reveals to us more of who we are.

Jesus is always faithful to lead us through to the other side of our storms. Sometimes He calms the storms completely. Sometimes He equips us to navigate through the raging storm.  Regardless, He shows up!  He is faithful to bring us to the other side. And in doing so, we are always changed because of His love for us and our personal experience… our testimony.

Many may not understand and even challenge our faith in God. And yet, we stand on our journey with Jesus and His word, experiencing His love for us. So much so, that we are changed forever. It’s who He is and what He does.


Surrender leads to Authenticity, which leads to Intimacy, which leads to Love. I’m not one to write much about love. Love has been attacked in my life. I thought I knew what love was. But for the past 6 years, I’ve been on a journey discovering new depths of life.

Previously, I defined Love based on my experience with people. Family, Friends, Marriage and Fatherhood. Now… I look to Jesus. He has led me through a journey of letting go… Although lonely at times, this has been an important work for me.  Learning to Love by Letting Go sounds like an oxymoron. And yet, I am proof that Jesus’ ways are not my ways. His wisdom supersedes mine and always leads me in truth and love.

As I continue to learn how to Let Out the Sails of My Heart, I’m learning more about myself and who Jesus is. And in that journey, I am learning how to better love others in my life.  Encouraging them to live in Surrender, Authenticity, Intimacy and Love. For me, life is about Legacy. I want a life with purpose. I want to have a Song and a Story worth telling for generations.


Even though there are chapters I wish weren’t written, I’m proud of how they have been and are being redeemed. I now have a Song and a Story worth sharing. Jesus has turned my most devastating storms of life into what great stories are made of. He came to my rescue!

And now that I have gone through the transformation process of Letting Out the Sails of My Heart, I see myself in a new light. I now understand the hidden areas of my heart and how God created me to let those colors fly.

You see, even as a caterpillar has no idea of its future… neither do we! Most of us fight the process of metamorphosis and breaking out of our shell and letting out those sails. It’s dark, lonely, painful, confusing, vulnerable and more. And yet, SO WORTH IT! I want those wings! I want the beauty and life experiences they bring! How about you?

In all of this, it’s the miracle of what is happening after the storms that still surprises me. I was left with peace in the process of learning how to live in new levels of trust. Jesus began to be the source of my momentum instead of trying to rein the winds of life. I learned how to trust God’s leading instead of my own. He brought refreshing gentle winds that filled my entire heart. Not merely the small sliver of sail that I chose to expose. No. My entire heart was let out. He honored my journey and is now leading me to new destinations that I never would have experienced in my own strength. And… it’s just the beginning!

PRAYER:  Lord Jesus, You know the depths of my heart and our journey together. This journal only scratches the surface of what I’ve learned over the past 6 years. I thank You for the opportunity to choose You. Thank You for showing me how much You love me and are for me. Help me live my life in this new season in such a way that honors the heart You have given me. As I learn to let the sails fly, I ask that You continue to make it all count. I want Legacy. I want Love. I want all that You have for me and my family. Teach me how to help others learn how to Let Out the Sails of Their Heart!


I spent so many years stuck in my head… Couldn’t see past myself. All the time you were right here in front of me. A part of me. Inside of me. And patiently You spoke to me. And You set me free. And so naturally, I’m living from my heart. This is just the beginning. This is just the beginning of a new way of living with You! I Let Out the Sails of My Heart. Here I am, here You are…

“Fear Can Go to Hell”…

SCRIPTURE: “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18)

OBSERVATION: When John first met Jesus, he and his brother James were nicknamed “Boanerges” which means, “Sons of Thunder“… I think it’s safe to say Jesus knew what He was doing.  No one disputed this nickname.  People probably just shook their heads and raised their eyebrows in agreement.  Sometimes silence says it all.

And yet, John and James were 2 of the 3 closest to Jesus.  Peter, James and John… They were Jesus’ trusted inner circle.  They saw and heard things first.  Jesus trusted them.

Why?… Why did Jesus let these 3 men in with their known reputation?…
What did Jesus see deep within their hearts that was waiting to be released?

Because Jesus loved them as Sons.  He created them with Hearts of Passion, Grit and Endurance that cried out for Justice… All of this was built upon a hidden foundation of Love that wouldn’t be swayed by the storms of life.  These Boanerges would be the Bridge Builders and Bible Communicators the Church would be built on. Jesus knew what He was doing.

So much so, that at the end of his life, John was known as the “Apostle of Love.”

APPLICATION:  I am a Boanerges.  I too am a Bridge Builder and Bible Communicator.  No, I’m not to add to the Canon we know as scripture.  And yet, Jesus is still writing my story.  I have a song and a story because of God’s love.  I am very proud of the man that I’ve become.  Mess and all… I know I’m loved by Jesus.  I am a son of the King.  I am forgiven and set free by Jesus’ love for me.  He went first.  He gave His all for me.  I want to do the same.

My heart cries out with a similar thunder as John’s, and yet at the end of my days, I won’t be known as an Apostle of Love. No… I will be known as a Gentle General.  How do I know this?  Because Jesus told me.  This is my new nickname.  I’m not there yet, but I’m walking out my transformation one day at a time. Day by day, I am becoming the man God has created me to be as His son, Eric Richard Robison, a Bridge Builder and Bible Communicator.  A Gentle General.

Jesus went first.  On the cross, Jesus willingly gave His life for all mankind.  John wrote the account of his first hand witness of Jesus’ crucifixion and death, and what Jesus spoke to him,

When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved, he said to her, “Dear woman, here is your son.” And he said to this disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from then on this disciple took her into his home.” (John 19:26-27)

Some of the very last words Jesus spoke on earth was entrusting his Mom to John… yes, John… the Boanerges.  John was never the same.  His heart broke along with Jesus’ that dark day on Golgotha.  These life events of brokenness were redefined 3 days later.  Jesus rose from the grave just as He said He would!  Until his dying breath, John would serve Jesus as the Apostle of Love.  He has legacy!

So I suppose the life lesson for me in all this is simple really.  There will be Friends, Family, Foes and Loved Ones who will choose to define me as Boanerges. That’s OK.

Don’t get me wrong. I care. Sometimes too deeply.  But, I care more about who Jesus says I am.  So, I trust God in the journey.  Fear can go to hell.  Shame can go there too.  I know whose I am.  God I belong to You…

And with that heart cry, I choose Love.  Let that Thunder through my life story!
Those who journey with me will have the same heart cry.  Love conquers all. Period.

I want my life story to be written in such a way that people see Jesus.  Not me.  But I’m not called to live a perfect life.  I’m not ashamed of my story nor my scars.  I am loved by my King Jesus who has chosen to keep his scars in Heaven for all to see.  He took my shame and fear upon Himself.  He went first. Love conquers all.

And just like John, the Boanerges before me, my heart has broken.  But this is my point.  Jesus has the last word on my life.  He created me as a son.  He loves me.  Love loves me.  He will finish what He started.  I will trust Him in the process.  I am Eric Richard Robison, a Bridge Builder and Bible Communicator, a Gentle General.

PRAYER:  Thank you for those who are seeking You as I am tonight Jesus.  Bless them.  Keep them.  I pray that the eyes of their heart would be opened to Your love.  Help them redefine what Fear and Shame brought to their minds.  Help them remember whose they are. I pray that the well springs of their heart would break forth in such a way that they cannot contain it. Bring a water shed night of breakthrough, blessing their heart cry. I pray that dancing and songs of joy would follow your outpouring upon them.  Love them lavishly Jesus!

Oh, and one more thing…

Fear can go to Hell.  Shame can go there too.
I know whose I am.  God I belong to You!

“Captain of My Heart”…

SCRIPTURE: Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me.  The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night, A prayer to the God of my life.” (Psalm 42:7-8)

OBSERVATION: The Psalmist declares truth about the power of nature and how it parallels with what we go through spiritually, emotionally, mentally and even physically at times. On this side of heaven, we get beat up by forces outside of us and wonder where God is in all of it. But if you understand who Jesus is and what He is doing in the process, you will not fight it.

APPLICATION:  Everyone goes through distress in order to reach their destiny (Graham Cooke).

If you trust Jesus and choose to follow Him wholeheartedly, you will have opportunities to submit to His leadership when you don’t understand any of it.  Trust Him anyway!

Jesus will not only lead you through the darkness found at these depths but He will lead you up out of it. Once you surface from these depths, your heart is tested, tried and found true in order for Jesus to entrust you with the destiny He created you for.

The question is, will you trust Him in the deep and dark places in order to surface in victory?  Few do.

Life can over power you if you don’t understand who God is.  You will implode from the pressures of life and fight anything and anyone who brings distress in your life if you don’t understand God’s motives.

I’m a leadership nerd and have been thinking through this life lesson and applying it in my life.  In fact, I have been for several years.  Now, I am determined to pass this final test as I enter into 2017.  It’s my hour of defining who Eric Richard Robison is.  In the hidden places.  In the deep places.  In the dark places.

This process is everything I prayed for… and yet I almost missed my opportunity.

Submarine Captains.  They don’t fear depth.  They fear bad information.  They don’t have time for BS. Captains trust their crew to do their job, think critically, bring accurate information and to give their life in the moment of battle if need be. Lives depend on it.

So, for me… well as you can tell, I think in parables a lot.  Blame Jesus.  It worked for Him 😉

I am the Captain of My Heart.

I choose to view my heart as a Submarine Captain would.  I need to know the exact condition of my heart. Every section of the hull, valves, chambers, batteries and torpedoes… all of it.  I am learning there are parts of myself that will not survive the process of training and campaigns this side of heaven.  I must be willing to give my life when called upon.  Most of the time everything in me will be screaming to fight it.  However it’s in those moments of surrender to Jesus that define me.

The choice is mine.  Will I be ready?

In moments of crisis, there are competing voices within.  I must deal with each of them within my heart in seasons of training before testing.  As the Captain of my heart, I alone am responsible for those calls…

It’s taken a while, but I’ve acclimated to the depths at which Jesus has led me to live for this season.  Few survive without imploding and yet, I believe there are deeper depths to navigate.  However, Jesus isn’t about leaving us in dark places.  No.  He has a plan and a purpose.

It’s my job as the Captain of my heart to pray and plan until I have that ‘Aha’ moment of hope penned out on paper.  It might seem impossible and unconventional at best… yet those moments led by the Holy Spirit always bring God the glory. He not only wants us to survive, He wants us to be victorious!

Jesus always makes a way!

Only Jesus knows the end from the beginning.  So I choose to look to Him in times of testing.  It’s not that He has forgotten me.  No.  It’s quite the opposite.  I am in this place because He loves me and trusts me to do His will.  The question is, will I trust Him when He asks me to lead through it? I may have every voice within me telling me not to obey Jesus.. but lives depend on it.  I want to be found faithful.

If I am faithful to follow Jesus against all odds, I will experience what few do.  The miraculous.  I want to live a life marked by the presence of God.  I want victory in my life and for my family for generations to come. I want legacy.  This takes work.  Legacy doesn’t just happen.  Legacy takes purposeful living.  When the opportune moments present themselves, it takes Captains who trust Jesus enough to carry out the orders.  Especially when no one else agrees with you!

For me, I must silence every area of my heart that disagrees with these orders.  I must realize that I love each crewman within my own heart.  And yet, in those defining moments and seasons of process… there will be areas in my heart that must be willing to make the sacrifice for the sake of the mission.  I must be ok with that as a Captain.  Easier said than done, but it’s part of maturing.  Spirit or Flesh?… this is not a democracy!

When it counts, will I pull the Trigger?…

The enemy was defeated and the crew was saved because of Crewman Trigger’s sacrifice.  He knew if he didn’t pull that last lever and regain torpedo pressure, that they would all die.  Victory often demands sacrifice.

When I was younger and untested, I thought I was ready for whatever life would bring me.  I was wrong. I now know what it takes to let go of loved ones and command areas of my heart to yield to the mission instead of survival.  There will be casualties.  As the Captain of my heart, I now understand more about the price of following Jesus.  I still trust Jesus at His word.  He is faithful.

I pray and prepare now for what is ahead of me.  When my moments of testing arrive, I hope I am found faithful to pull the trigger in obedience and sacrifice if I have to.  This is not a democracy.  I choose to follow Jesus and His best for my life.

PRAYER:  Jesus, I realize from where I’ve come from.  I have an idea where You are leading me… and it’s good!  Very good!  Many of my seasons of testing have passed.  Sections of my heart did not survive.  You know the depths of this.  And yet, You will make it all count.  I trust You.

So now, in this season of blessing.  May I be found faithful.  May You be proud of me and the decisions I have made and will make for legacy’s sake.  I choose to follow You into these depths in order to experience the principal of ascent velocity!  Once You have prepared my heart for what is in my future, You will release me to soar at great heights with smooth water landings – So excited!  Until then… Lead on.  I choose to follow You, Captain my Captain!

“Just Enough”…

SCRIPTURE: And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child.  And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.” (Galatians 4:6-7)

OBSERVATION:  The Church in Galatia was getting too caught up in religion instead of relationship. They, as we do, needed a reminder of who we are as adopted sons and daughters of the King.  It’s all about knowing God and living out of this place instead of following rules of a distant God.

APPLICATION:  Tonight, I took a break on the way home to simply sit and settle my heart.  I am in a good place, a safe place.  It’s not where I want to be, but I’m taking one day at a time  on a journey to where I want to be.  It’s not so much about the destination.  Rather, it’s more about the process and the journey.  How we arrive at the place in life we dream of makes all the difference.  This is the reminder my heart needs tonight.

God gives us just enough at times for our very best.  Not because He is a mean Father.  No.  He gives us just enough at times because it is what we need.  Too little will spin us out in need.  Too much may cause us to stray from His presence.  He knows me best.  Jesus created me.  I will trust Him to lead me. Even when I don’t know what to do or where to go… He knows what’s best for me and brings me just enough.

For years I struggled with this concept when life pulls the carpet from under my feat and I find myself flat on my face.  I may be alone, but I’m guessing that you too have seen the lint on the carpet far too closely at times.  If so, be encouraged.  It’s not those moments that define us.  It’s more what comes next that determines the trajectory of our destiny.  God is not surprised when we fall.  But I think the hallways of heaven are adorned with stories of faith about how men and women who hit the carpet and chose to get up again and again… and again.

My heart is grateful for where I am today.  Like a said, it’s a safe place.  My best friend called me the other day and shared a dream he had.  He shared how he saw me with my future wife (whoever she may be) and my kids all together facing one direction in the light.  He also said he saw others who were off in the distance behind a barrier in the darkness simply staring at us.  We were all together, in a V-formation, on mission moving forward towards the light.  We were at peace and together.  Dreams and visions are always held loosely next to scripture.  So I don’t want to put a lot into this.  But It’s encouraging to me that my best friend is dreaming about a future that will be in the light and with those I love, together following the Light… Jesus Christ.

My prayers are changing lately.  Deep cries out to deep.  I’m slowly beginning to understand that becuase I have chosen to get up time and time again and follow my God, Jesus is preparing a future for me that I fully don’t understand.  He won’t tell me what it is.  He’s given bits and pieces.  The things I am insecure about I believe are going to be the areas He will call me to live out of.  Just as Joseph and Job, God is preparing a blessing for me.  He is work on my behalf.  Although I don’t see it and don’t feel it now, it doesn’t change the truth.  It’s just not time yet to be unveiled.  Until then, I have the choice to be impatient & ungrateful or to be patient and grateful.  Easier said than done really….

I choose to trust Jesus at His word.  He gives me just enough because He loves me.

PRAYER:  Jesus, I trust you.  You know the desires of my heart.  You know my wounds and my wantings.  You know.  May You be pleased with my heart tonight that I choose to stay in step with You. This is not where I wanted to be.  This is not where You want me to stay.  But it’s part of the journey and my story.  May You make all this count.  I’m trusting You to write an ending to my life story that will honor Your name.  May this Joseph story turn into blessing for many.  Thank You Papa… for just enough.

“Here’s My Heart Again”…

SCRIPTURE: And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:9-10)

OBSERVATION:  The disciples were asking Jesus to teach them how to pray.  Jesus began to help them understand that prayer is from the heart.  It’s out of relationship that we speak to God, just as they witnessed Jesus talking/praying with the Father.  Jesus likened prayer to kids asking their dad for something.  He reminded them that all dads want to give their kids good gifts.  So how much more will the Father in Heaven bless His kids.  It’s all about relationship.

But just like kids, we tend to balk about the timing of good things.  We want them sooner.  We want them now.  Sometimes, we are impatient little brats who are day by day learning to trust our Heavenly Father that He really knows what’s best for us.  How are you doing on this one?…

APPLICATION:  This morning, I did not go to church.  Sometimes I need to get alone and seek God in a quiet place.  Jesus did this (Mark 1:35) on the front side of big decisions.  I too am at the front side of big decisions.  I’m in a transition season.  It’s the process that proves one qualified or unqualified to receive all that God has for us in the timing He has planned for us.  I don’t want to waste time.  I want to have child-like faith without pouting about what I don’t have.  I want to make the most of the time that’s given to me.  I want to advance in the kingdom.  I want to be promoted.  I want to be closer to Jesus so He can entrust more to me in order for me to be a blessing to others.  It’s called legacy.

Expectancy sometimes is the emotion that preceeds the manifestation of annointing.  The Holy Spirit whispers to our heart to pray & prepare.  I have heard this whisper in April of last year.  While I was running a trail half marathon by myself, in the Columbia River Gorge on Eagle Creek trail, I heard the Lord speak to me about certain things to come.  He simply told me to pray and prepare.  He would do the rest.

That was encouraging.  But it’s also frustrating when I want to move forward, like… yesterday!  So on days like today when I feel the stirring of the Spirit, I choose to simply stop and present my heart to Jesus once again.  He is the Lord of my life.  He is my King.  He knows me better than I know myself. He created me.  My Heavenly Father has good things in store for me.  I will be blessed and entrusted with more.  So I choose to still my emotions and correct back to trusting God at His word.

  • …We’ve only just began to see
  • Here’s my heart again
  • Here’s my life afresh 
  • Do whatever You want to do
  • I have seen so much but there is more to be seen
  • I’ve got expectancy
  • I may not be able to see it yet, but I feel it coming 
  • And it’s more of You God and my heart is ready God
  • Do whatevery You want to do 

PRAYER:  I ask for more of You Jesus.  You know what’s on my heart.  You know my dreams and desires.  You know what is best for me.  You know the end from the beginning.  You have good things in store for me.  I trust You.  May I follow You step by step, day by day during this transition season. Here’s my heart again…