“This is How I Fight My Battles”…

SCRIPTURE: “But because my servant Caleb has a different attitude and has remained loyal to me, I will bring him into the land which he explored, and his descendants will possess the land.” (Numbers 14:24)

OBSERVATION: Caleb was a warrior.  When he was young and untested or scarred with life lessons, Caleb lived wholeheartedly for God!  He was a man of a different spirit.  His attitude and loyalty to God set him apart from others.  God blessed Him and his family for generations because of his life chapters this side of heaven.  He is one of my heroes and mentors.

APPLICATION:  I made a personal decision when I was a kid to live for legacy.  Even at an early age, I knew the difference between people who were living to impress vs. people living to bless.  Hearts learn more from what is caught than taught.  People can say whatever they want, but hearts will only remember how they felt in the moment.

Caleb’s ATTITUDE and LOYALTY was what impressed God.

In this context, Moses had led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt.  God split the Red Sea and made a way where there was none for His people as their enemy pursued to kill them.  They all witnessed this miracle. And yet, here they were, at the borders of their so-called “Promise Land” shaking in their Tevas out of fear and disbelief at what God was asking of them.

Moses sent 12 spies on a 40 day expedition to bring back a report of all they saw.  It was everything they were hoping for… except, enemies inhabited every square mile. The 12 men came back with proof of how fruitful the land was, “A land flowing with milk and honey”…

So what’s the problem?

Well, this land wasn’t only inhabited.  It was inhabited by formidable enemies renown in size and military might.  The Hebrews?… a bunch of emaciated slaves, farmers, families, untrained for war.  There was no way for them to have victory on their own!

The knocking knees and winy little whispers bringing the report back to Moses confirmed… they were once again, surrounded.  Surrounded by circumstances of certain defeat.  Hearts began once again to grumble against Moses and God.

It was in this moment that Caleb and Joshua rose up and made a stand between Moses and the Millions.

To make a long story short, this moment started the clock for 40 years of wondering in the dessert for the Hebrews.  None of them stepped foot in their promised land except for… you guessed it!  Caleb and Joshua.

Now at 80 and coming full circle to the start line for finally taking the land, Caleb was one of the first men to rise up. I can imagine his Brave Heart speech, demanding the toughest challenge with the best land his eyes saw so many years ago. Caleb must have been a man not to be messed with, because no one stopped him.  At 80 years old, he and the men who followed him kicked ass and took possession of their promised land. So cool!

ATTITUDE and LOYALTY.  These are what caught God’s attention.  And were the prerequisites of being blessed!  Legacy was granted because Caleb followed his God WHOLEHEARTEDLY!

I have passed my Point of No Return… My feet are now on the very Promise Land Jesus spoke over me years ago.  I’m encouraged that my life will only get better from here as I follow my God in the race that is set for me.  It won’t be easy at times and I will have my own battles to face.  However, I want to be the first to rise and demand the best of my God-given promises when the opportunities present themselves!

Nothing is too difficult, nothing too hard for You Jesus. 

This is how I fight my battles.  This is how we fight our battles…

PRAYER: Jesus thank You for men like Joshua and Caleb that I can learn from thousands of years later and apply life principles in my life.  I want to be counted as a man of a different spirit like Caleb.  I want Legacy!  I want to be a man who follows you wholeheartedly with my attitude and loyalty to You.  Even when I stand alone at times, I choose to believe you over circumstances.  When I’m surrounded?… let me rise up and remind myself and your people who You are.  You are the same yesterday, today and forever.  The victory is Yours!  This is how I fight my battles…