“Build My Life”…

SCRIPTURE: “Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation.” (Matthew 7:24)

OBSERVATION: Jesus was teaching the crowd that had gathered around Him about many things.  From praying, fasting and giving to warning about judging, worrying and being flat out fake.  Jesus had a way of sifting the principles of life down to a relationship. First with Him and then others.  Only what we build on the love of Jesus will count in Heaven.  The question is, what are we building on?

APPLICATION:  Life will definitely test us.  All we have and are will be shaken at times.  When the shaking comes, what will remain? After the Richtor scale subsides, the dust clears, and the sirens are screaming in the background… you may be surprised to see what survived.  It’s often not what you expected.

I believe we have all had similar experiences to one degree or another.  For me, the life principle that has moved the Richtor scale within my heart today is how to build on an unshakable foundation.  Jesus spells it out clearly for us:

  1. Hear Jesus’ teaching
  2. Apply it to your life

Seems pretty simple right?  I mean, even Sunday School kids can sing the song.  But how many of us actually live like this?  I for one, have had my world shaken from the storms of life.  Those storms were real and life changing. And yet, what they did was give Jesus an opportunity to be trusted at His word.  With nothing more than promises, I was left with the choice to trust Jesus at His word, or base my worth on the rubble all around me.  I chose to put my trust in Jesus.  The chorus of this song pretty much sums up my heart cry:

And I will build my life upon your love it is a firm foundation
And I will put my trust in you alone and I will not be shaken

Walking out the past 6 years has been a journey to say the least. But one I am so proud of.  Jesus is making it all count.  It took a while to truly value my firm foundation.  At 40 years old, it seemed as though all was lost.  Much of what I had put my hands to was lost.  And yet, Jesus helped me understand what was of greater value.  He helped me see that Love was the foundation that wasn’t shaken.  He wasn’t shaken.  And the subsurface work that no one else could see was intact, complete, strong, immovable.  It was up to me to redefine my life based on Jesus’ word or my unfortunate circumstances.  I chose and still choose Jesus.  He is my Rock. My Salvation.

So now, 6 years later, I’m so incredibly grateful for what I am beginning to see rise all around me.  Jesus has begun to build my life in such a way as to make the first 40 years count.  Only the Living God can do that!

I even had two Leaders stop me while I was at Bethel Church for a conference and ask me if they could pray and prophesy over me.  I was the village idiot who just kept walking and thought they were talking to someone else.  I’m no one.  Not important.  They finally stopped me and asked again.  After looking behind me and then sheepishly confessing my ignorance, of course I accepted!  I even recorded it.

They were both very polite and extremely accurate in what they had to share with me.  Enough so, that they both shared that they saw a structure being built.  A skyscraper, reaching up to heaven with a firm foundation and cranes all around. It had mostly been built up to the point of beginning to create the exterior.  What they saw was an extremely deep foundation with the first 40 floors completed.  People were living in those floors already, while the rest of the building was unfinished, still in process with beams and unfinished floors reaching up to the heavens.

I couldn’t believe the accuracy of what they were saying?! This was a glimpse into my life up to that moment!  And then they continued…

The woman was hesitant to share what she saw next.  Finally sharing that she saw, “Pigeons”… “Lots of Pigeons”… “And you know what they do?…”  We both started laughing and she said, “Messes! They make lots of messes!”  hahaha 😉 I’ve never had anyone pray/prophesy over me that my life would be crappy, but there you have it boys and girls!  It happened to me, and it was 100% accurate.  My life sucked for a while with people who decided to be enemies of mine for simply being a faithful man.

But then the woman got very serious and changed her countenance and shared how the Lord is going to now begin to complete the exterior of the building and the messes from the pigeons won’t ever be remembered!  Wow!! The next 40 years will be seen by many.  Many will take refuge in what the Lord builds upon my first 40 years.  Nothing will shake it.  I am on time and I have legacy…

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!  Other details were shared, but oh my gosh?! Amazing… Matthew 7:24 reminded me of this experience and how my choices have led me to a place of visible progress.  Now new life chapters are being written, God is being glorified and my story is being redeemed.  The next 40 years will be built upon my firm foundation, Jesus.

“Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation.” (Matthew 7:24)

Want to be compared to a wise man? Then go beyond hearing about Jesus. Love Him. Live for Him. Put Him first. Even in the loss… trust Jesus at His word. He is faithful to complete the work He started in you.  I have faith for that.  Do you?

PRAYER: Jesus, I am now in a brand new place of expectation.  I choose to put You first.  Even in letting go of what I thought you had blessed me with.  If I’m honest with myself, everything and everyone in my life is from You.  I give it all back to You. I thank You for building my life upon Your love.  It is a firm foundation.  I will put my trust in You alone and I will not be shaken. So continue to lead me into Your very best.  Thank you for building my life in such a way that You will get glory.  I thank You for those in my life, near and far, who have and are building with me.  I have legacy thanks to who You are.  I’m excited to see how I get to partner with you in the next 40 years.  Make it count Jesus.  Make it count!