“Abigails” Still Exist…

SCRIPTURE: David said to Abigail, “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me.  May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands.” (1 Samuel 25: 32-33)


OBSERVATION:  David and his warriors kept watch of of a rich man’s servants in the field as they shepherded their master’s flock.  David’s men were passing through and chose to protect these servants from harm for days without demands for payment. David sent 10 of his men to ask for a little food that they may continue to be on their way through his property.  David could have demanded by force, but he respected this man and humbled himself by asking for simple provisions for his men who were in need.

Nabal scoffed at this request and mocked David and his 10 messengers.  Upon hearing this report, David was pissed!  He didn’t think about what he was going to do… he told his men to strap on their swords.  They were going to town to annihilate this man and all that was his.

This is when Nabal’s wife heard from one of the servants who was protected by David and his men of what her husband had decided and the storm that was on the way.  She and the servant knew there was no changing Nabal’s mind, so Abigail had her servants gather provisions for David and his men and went personally to deliver them to the formidable force that was on its way to crush them.

Abigail met him with more than what David asked for in the first place.  She was respectful.  She took responsibility for her husband’s foolish decision.  She also communicated God’s best for David as the future king of Israel.  She reminded him of his destiny and that he would not want innocent bloodshed on his hands.  All of this and more brought David, who was angry and on a warpath to destroy his enemy, to his senses and calmed his rage by reason.  This woman spoke the truth in respect.  She captivated David’s heart because she communicated the truth and was for what was right on both sides of the line.  This woman was a leader.  Leadership attracts leadership.

Nabal had the position of leadership.  Abigail had the influence of leadership.  Nabal in his pride nearly brought demise on himself and all his people.  Abigail’s wisdom brought peace and God’s best to the situation.  I love that about this woman!

If you keep reading, justice prevails.  David relented and received the rations gladly from Abigail.  And thanked her for her wisdom for bringing God’s best out of him.  She made him a better man…

When Abigail got back home, she wanted to give a report of what just happened… but Nabal was so drunk partying, she couldn’t talk reasonably with him.  She waited until the morning and shared what David was about to do and how she appealed to his authority and brought about saving many lives.  You’re going to love this!  You know what happened? …He had a heart attack on the spot and flatlined days later!  Ha! Serves him right!

After this, David was so moved by Abigail’s wisdom, respect, dedication to God’s best and beauty…that he asked her to marry him.  And she said Yes!  She made David a better man.  This is the power of a Godly woman.

APPLICATION:  I have received promises from God over my life.  Some of them have happened.  Some of them have not…yet. I am praying and preparing for my future by living my very best day by day.  My life is the sum of my choices.  I understand this. So as a single dad, leading my family into God’s very best I understand that at times I too will be like David…angry & impulsive. I have a few chosen friends and family to counsel me through life’s ups and downs.

But someday, I can see myself being surprised by a woman who isn’t afraid to meet me where I am and speak God’s best over my present problem while reminding me of my future.  The ability to capture a man’s attention by appealing to his mind and heart at the same time is rare indeed.

I believe “Abigails” still exist in the world today.  They do not draw attention to themselves.  They are soft spoken leaders. Their ability to love and lead simultaneously breaks the strongest heart once captivated by the authenticity and genuineness they offer without compromise.  These “Abigails” bring out the best in people.  She brought out the best in David.  She influenced his life so much, that he asked for her hand in marriage!  I love this.

PRAYER:  Lord, I have much to learn.  I believe “Abigails” still exist in the world today.  I pray when the timing is right, that you bring our paths together.  I don’t want the drama that goes with David’s account.  I’ve had enough drama for many lifetimes! But You know what I mean.  I pray that I would be a gentle general as David was.  Enough so, that when I’m wrong an Abigail could speak to my heart bringing the best out of the situation and making me a better man.  I’d like to know what life would be like with an Abigail in my life.  Until then, I pray and prepare.  You know what’s best for me.  I trust You.