“What Makes a Man?”…

SCRIPTURE: The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives.” (Psalm 37:23)

OBSERVATION: God directs peoples lives.  How?  By going before us and showing us the way.  The prerequisite is to listen to His word and follow.  Many know Gods word, but they fail to do His will.  The choice is ours.  What will you choose?

APPLICATION:  What will I choose?  Some seasons it’s easy to choose.  Others, God leads through unbearable difficulty.  Sometimes, it doesn’t seem that God could be in so much bad.  But this is when we have the choice to cash in all of the trust we have in God’s character over our own and simply let go and trust.  This is what most men miss.  My question tonight it, “What makes a man?”…

Books have been written about this.  I don’t care.  I want to know what God says.  Scriptures are what lead my life.  Even when I don’t want to go a certain direction, it’s God’s word that draws me back on the straight and narrow.  Have you given God full veto rights?  I have.  About 15 years ago.  Even in my mess sometimes, I choose to correct back to God knowing He has His best in store for me.  I want God’s best for my life.

God directs man’s steps.  He goes before us.  He shows us the way.  It takes relationship to follow.  It takes a man who fears and loves God at the same time to choose to follow God off the map when nothing else matters.  I’ve been in many sesasons when God didn’t make sense to me.  But in the end, His leading was the very best for me and my family.  God knows every detail of my life.  So I should trust Him.  But sometimes I don’t.  I want to take the lead and make things happen sooner than later.  I’m in a season now when I want a few things to happen soonder than later.  But I’m still in a season of praying and preparing.  This is important.  It takes time.

So today, even when doubt comes and fear knocks on my door.  I choose to trust God beyond my emotions.  I choose to take God’s word to heart when all else fails.  I want to be a man who stays the course no matter what.  So today, I choose to love God and fear Him at the same time.  I choose to follow Him into my very best, even if it doesn’t make sense today.  It will make sense in years to come.

What makes a man? I think I might now.  It takes followership with a heart of humility.  It takes loving and fearing God at the same time.  It takes getting beyond knowing what to do, and simply doing it.  I want to be a man that God is proud of.

PRAYER:  Make it count Jesus.  May you make me the man You have created me to be.  I love You and trust You, even when things don’t make sense today.  You have Your best in mind for me.  So I choose to push beyond emotions and trust You at Your word.  What makes a man?   I think I might know…

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